Atheists View Benedict XVI as Threat to Secularism
Pope Ratzinger “Bad News” For Secularism, Freedom Warns Atheist Civil Rights
Posted by mlgaither on Saturday April 30, 2005 at 7:41 pm MST
Monty Gaither, AZ St. Director of American Atheists
Link to story:
The selection of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope (Benedict XVI) is “bad news” for civil liberties and the rights of women, gays, intellectuals and other secularists throughout the world, warned an Atheist civil rights watchdog group today.
Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists, noted that the new pontiff demonized atheism, individualism and other alleged ills during a papal conclave mass. She added that Ratzinger, former head of the papal office which ran the Inquisition and sniffs out dissent within church ranks, is the foremost advocate of “reconverting” Europe to Catholicism, and is a leading opponent of secularism.
“Ratzinger is even more extreme that Pope John Paul II. He opposes many of the civil liberties that Americans take for granted including equal rights, dissent from religion, and even free speech. He clearly sees government as a servant and instrument of the church.”
Johnson added that the new pope will likely embrace policies which inflame the civilizational conflict between Islam and the west, and cited Ratzinger’s opposition to allowing Turkey to join the European Union. “He’s got the mentality of a Crusader, and his attitudes will provide new ammunition to Islamic extremists like Osama bin Laden.”
Dave Silverman, Communications Director for American Atheists, said that expects that as a result of Ratzinger’s rise to the papal throne, U.S. Bishops could become more aggressive in the political arena and intensify their efforts for government aid to religious schools, banning abortion and carrying out the Vatican’s global agenda. “The American Religious Civil War has just gone nuclear,” said Silverman.
“He’s got the mentality of a Crusader, and his attitudes will provide new ammunition to Islamic extremists like Osama bin Laden.”
The author seems to want us to cower to Isamofacist some more. I, like President Bush and a majority of Americans, have had enough already. Some one penned the line, "All I ever needed to know about Islam I learned on Sep't. 11." While I don't quite agree, the sentiment carries much truth for me.
No one is suggesting anyone cower to the islamic extremist. We will also not cower to the xtian extremist. This pope though is a danger to civil rights all over the world. He wants elected officials to violate their oath of office when it conflicts with their catholic superstitions. Instead they should give up the office if they cannot ignore their beliefs and do their duty.
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