What's on trial here?: the injustice of "the defamation of Islam" charge against Oriana Fallaci
The Pope's fervor to re-evangelize Europe is brought into increasingly sharp focus in the face of this recent indictment by a preliminary judge, Armando Grasso, in Bergamo, Italy.Besides the recent killing of innocents by Muslims in reaction to unsubstantiated claims from Newsweek that the Qur'an might have been "desecrated" in Guantánamo prison by being placed on toilet seats or flushed, now, we have further travesties against sanity and justice. As a May 25, 2005 article, "Fallaci charged in Italy with defaming Islam" from Reuters in Rome reports, the judge, against the advice of prosecutors at a hearing on Tuesday, May 24, decided to bring the famed journalist up on charges of blasphemy against the Qur'an because of 18 statements she made in her recent book, "La Forza della Ragione".
Since when was defacing the Qur'an or criticisms against the violence of jihadist Muslims a crime? We in the West are not living under the Taliban or under Sha'ria law. Even though political authority in Italy has devolved into the hands of the secular state, the last time I checked Italy was still historically part of Christendom.
This is not about a "religious hate crime" but about passing sentence on anyone who dares to inform others about the dark side of jihadist Islam. Now it appears that in Italy bogus charges of "defamation" can be brought up against anyone who crosses over a politically correct line protecting Islam. As Irene Adler remarks in her article in "A Western Heart," Fallaci "has had the temerity to criticize the uncriticizable".
Secular forces in Italy would be screaming "Inquisition!" if similar charges of blasphemy were brought against those defaming Christianity. Since when was Italy an Islamic country? Am I missing something here?
A Western Heart
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Fallaci On Trial in Italy For Blasphemy
by Irene Adler
They are calling the official charge "defamation of Islam" but blasphemy is really what it is all about. Oriana Fallaci has had the temerity to criticize the uncriticizable, and European multi-cultis are aligning with Islamists to figuratively stone her to death. The dying old WWII Resistance fighter will fight the good fight against tyranny with every breath, of course. A blog called Dagger-in-Hand has a translation into English of the "charges" against Fallaci, who is being tried for making the following "criminal" statements:
1) during the occupation of Montecassino in the 9th century “the Muslims amused themselves by sacrificing each night the virginity of a nun. Do you know where? On the altar of the cathedral.”
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