Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Answers elusive on cause of Terri Schiavo's collapse

Terri Schiavo Autopsy Results Inconclusive on Cause of Collapse
by Steven Ertelt Editor

June 15, 2005

Clearwater, FL ( -- A local county medical examiner released the result of the autopsy on Terri Schiavo's death on Wednesday. Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin said that Terri was clinically brain dead and he ruled out physical abuse being the cause of her collapse in 1990.

Much of Thogmartin's analysis was skeptical as he said too much time had elapsed to positively determine the cause of Terri's 1990 collapse. He indicated he did not think that bulimia played a part, but Terri's diet -- she drank considerable amounts of tea -- may have played a role.


The autopsy of Terri performed by Medical Examiner Thogmartin is available online as a PDF file.

And, following are some comments made today concerning Terri's autopsy and the moral implications of her death from Fr. Frank Pavone:

June 15, 2005

Autopsy Does Not Change Moral Aspects of Terri Schiavo’s Murder says Priest Who Was With Terri Moments Before Her Death

Fr. Frank Pavone, who was with Terri Schiavo in the final hours and moments of her life and has called her death a murder, issued the following statement upon today’s release of her autopsy report:

“No details of this autopsy change the moral evaluation of what happened to Terri. Her physical injuries and disabilities never made her less of a person. No amount of brain injury ever justifies denying a person proper humane care. That includes food and water.

“A person with a 'profoundly atrophied' brain needs profound care and love. Terri did not die from an atrophied brain. She died from an atrophy of compassion on the part of her estranged husband and those who helped him to have her deliberately killed.”


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