Sunday, June 05, 2005

Applications Requested for Study at Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) in Rome

Fides News
June 6, 2005

VATICAN - Mission Study Courses offered by the Pontifical Missionary Union at the beginning of the third millennium: “The Catholic School on Mission” and “Medicine and Mission”

Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Pontifical Missionary Union PMU in its activity of missionary formation and animation of clergy, religious and laity and the entire people of God, offered at the beginning of the new millennium two particularly important study courses: “The Catholic School on Mission” 2002/2003 and “Medicine and Mission” 2004/2005. The courses in four languages, English, French, Italian and Spanish, consist of a series of lessons prepared by experts and a questionnaire useful for research and group discussion.

Course one 2002 illustrates the important educational contribution offered by the Church through its monastery, convent and cathedral schools, mediaeval universities in Europe, networks of schools opened by missionaries on every continent. This commitment on the part of the Church is a response to Christ’s command: “Go and teach…” (Mt 28,19). The lessons present the principles, nature and organisation of Catholic schools, objectives and finalities emphasising the contribution offered by Catholic education in view of the civilisation and elevation of all cultures.

Course two 2003 focuses on Catholics schools in specific situations in the different cultures of the world and relations with the other great world religions: from Europe to America, from Islam to Buddhism, to Hinduism, Confucianism and natural Religions of African culture.

Course three (2004) underlines the importance of “medical care” for the wellbeing of the individual and for compassionate and harmonious social development in obedience to Christ’s other command: “heal the sick” (Lk 10,9). These lessons highlight the close connection between body and psyche, religion and medicine, offering a global vision of the vast commitment of the Church in the medical field on every continent: from village dispensaries to hospitals in main provincial towns, to medical clinics in great cities in many different countries.

Course four (2005) deals with Christian education to health and medical pastoral care of the person at every stage of life. Subjects include Christian psychotherapy, bio-ethics, modern plagues and giving meaning to death with the announcement of the Resurrection.

To enroll in one or several Courses please apply to Pontifical Missionary Union, International Secretariat, Via di Propaganda 1c, 00187 Roma. Tel. (+39) 06.6988.0132 - Fax (+39) 06.6988.0124. E-mail (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 3/6/2005; righe 28, parole 376)


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