Friday, June 24, 2005

Pope's new book warns that Europeans face a crisis of conscience: to live with or without God

Europe needs all the help it can get--to stem the tide of a further takeover by secularists and religious elements hostile to its Christian roots. Hopefully, the Popes's words will help reawaken Europeans as to their present moral crisis. And, I pray, that they would encourage those who are straddling a fence of moral relativism--to get off that fence and choose God and moral values over a convenient secularism with its attendant moral neutrality.

New book by Pope explains Christian roots of European Union

Rome, Jun. 23, 2005 (CNA) - During a press conference in which he introduced the new book by Pope Benedict XVI, “The Europe of Benedict: In the Crisis of Cultures,” Cardinal Camillo Ruini, Vicar of Rome, explained that the new work analyizes the two alternatives facing today’s Europeans: “to live as if God did not exist, or to live as if God does exists and therefore influences our lives.”

The cardinal said the book contains major speeches delivered by the Pope prior to his election and that therefore “it is the last book of the cardinal” but at the same time the first book of the Pope as it deals with “the Europe of Benedict, the name he chose for himself.”


And in a similar vein, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, urges Catholic-Orthodox cooperation to stem anti-Christian bias now prevalent in Europe.

Alexy II Calls for Catholic-Orthodox Cooperation

Zenit News

MOSCOW, JUNE 8, 2005 ( Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II appealed to Catholics and Orthodox to address together the "negative anti-Christian tendencies" present in Europe.

The patriarch made his plea Tuesday when meeting with Pier Ferdinando Casini, president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

In his exhortation, reported by Vatican Radio, the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia presented one of the "crucial" challenges that Catholics and Orthodox must address together: to bring Christian values back to Europe.

Alexy II criticized the "absurd tolerance" that in a secular Europe virtually "impedes Christian from making public profession of their own values."



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