Sunday, June 26, 2005

Spiritual crisis in Canada: Liberal political forces wreaking havoc on Christian heritage

What is happening to Canada! As I noted in a previous post of June 11, "Same-sex marriage in Canada?: God help us," Canadians are being stripped systematically of their Christian heritage through the unbridled and hostile assault of liberal legislation upon Christian legal institutions.

So far secular forces have gained enough momentum to attack the bedrock and underpinning of any society: the institution of marriage. In a move to legalize same-sex marriage, Bill C-38, is being pushed through by the liberal government of Prime Minister Paul Martin, homosexual activist groups, and other radical secular forces. Concurrent with that, clergy and citizens of faith--Christians, Jews or Muslims--who protest such legislation are labeled "homophobes" and threatened with prosecution for "hate crimes" as detailed by Abbott in his article, "
Canada persecutes Christian activist." Through such methods, Canadians standing up for moral values are being effectively silenced.

At the close of his article,
O CANADA! WHILE WORLD LOOKS AT U.S., BIG TROUBLE BREWS IN ITS NORTHERN NEIGHBOR, Michael H. Brown asks us all to pray for Canadians during this time of crisis. I heartily second that motion.

We need God's help! We need to pray that spiritual forces of the Lord within and without Canada be mobilized to overcome this demonic attack against God's law.

Please help Canadians to mobilize, oh Lord,
To mobilize in prayer for You, my God.

Jesus Christ, help us all to fight iniquity,
Wherever it is!

Help us to pray that the Truth be proclaimed,
Help us to pray for the lost.

I pray that Canada once again be a nation--under You,
A nation that lives boldly--for You.

In the name above every other name,
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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