Thursday, June 16, 2005

Terri Schiavo's autopsy results can never diminish her humanity nor justify her murder

Pro-euthanasia activists are working diligently to impose their vision of personhood upon our country---to remake it so that an individual's life and death is judged as worthwhile only within the radical context of a severe utilitarianism.

God's vision of personhood is different however. We as human beings are made in the image of God, and thus our dignity as persons is intrinsically rooted in that humanity. It is not abridged if we might be less than perfect physically or mentally. It is not diminished if we might be dependent upon others for our sustenance. In God's eyes we reflect Him. Our intrinsic dignity as persons can never be taken away from us. God Himself bestows our rights and liberties upon us. As the Declaration of Independence so eloquently states,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We must fight the pro-euthanasia agenda in our country. We as Christians must work actively to honor God and to uphold the intrinsic dignity and worth of those who are the helpless and the weak among us.

The following are some commentaries from Fr. Frank Pavone and Deacon Keith Fournier concerning the recent autopsy results of Terri Schiavo.

From Fr. Pavone, National Director of the Priests for Life, comes today's article:

"Atrophy of Compassion"

The autopsy of Terri Schiavo has been released to the public, bringing attention once again to this sad and tragic case, and reigniting so many of the debates surrounding her life and death. Does the autopsy shed any light on this tragedy? Does it change anything?

The autopsy, of course, is a medical document about Terri’s physical condition. It is filled with complicated medical terms and statistics. In and of itself, it tells us simply the details found upon examining Terri’s body. An autopsy is not a crystal ball either into the past or the future. Nor is it a moral evaluation of the worth of a human life.


And, from Deacon Fournier comes this commentary:

Killing Terri All Over Again

6/16/2005 - 5:51 AM PST
By: Deacon Keith Fournier
© Third Millennium, LLC
Catholic Online

I was sickened by all the news reports concerning the autopsy of dear Terri Schiavo. I was repulsed by most of the “commentators”who attempted, in a smug and condescending manner, to try to use these results to not only justify but somehow commend her brutal murder. Terri was killed by dehydration with the full protection of the State, operating through a Judge who was committed to her death.

This autopsy changes nothing.

Let’s take a moment and strip away all the nonsense. Terri’s autopsy appears to have revealed (make no mistake, more “experts” will soon come out of the woodwork) that she was a severely brain injured woman who may have had visual impairment. Further, that she died by the dehydration caused by the intentional denial of water. Apparently, that also added to the shrinkage of her brain.

This is now being used to attempt to now support the indefensible -- her husband’s denial of a cup of water to his thirsty wife to save her life. It is also being used in an attempt to vilify all those who tried to save Terri’s life. Let’s be brutally and painfully honest, Terri was killed. She was dehydrated and starved intentionally because someone else, backed by the unrestrained power of a willing “Caesar” behind their nefarious decision, decided that she was too much of a burden. Those who truly loved her had offered to care for her and to pay for that care. They were denied the right.



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