Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Video of American Muslims preaching hatred and desecrating American flag

We as concerned citizens and committed Christians must fight against this Islamist inspired contempt of our country and that for which it stands. The only way to counteract such vitriolic propaganda is to be an activist for truth.

By way of an e-mail sent June 7, 2005 from the American Congress for Truth comes a link to a video showing:

Public Desecration of the American Flag in US - While Preaching Hatred.

Please e-mail, call or write letters to the President, the Vice-President and other elected officials with your comments and with a link to the video,

Contact List:

The White House
President George W. Bush:
Vice President Richard Cheney:

Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121

U.S. Senate
U.S House of Representative

As the American Congress for Truth notes, "Please call the White House and your elected officials and voice your opinion and your concern. They consider every phone call as a representative of 1000 votes. They consider if someone took the time to call he/she represents 1000 voters. Remember you put them in office and you are paying their salaries."


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