Pope Benedict echoes St. Jerome: Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ
In today's Office of Readings we go to a commentary on Isaiah by St Jerome. He recognized most eloquently that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ" saying:
Interpret as I should, following the command of Christ: Search the Scriptures, and Seek and you shall find. Christ will not say to me what he said to the Jews: You erred, not knowing the Scriptures and not knowing the power of God. For if, as Paul says, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and if the man who does not know Scripture does not know the power and wisdom of Gods, then ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.
Echoing these words from St. Jerome, Pope Benedict XVI encourages us to read Scripture prayerfully---the ancient tradition of "lectio divina," as this article notes:
September 16, 2005
Pope says sacred reading of Scripture could help spiritual lifeBy Carol Glatz
Catholic News ServiceROME (CNS) -- The ancient tradition of "lectio divina" or sacred reading of Scripture should be promoted as a way to enrich the spiritual life of the church, Pope Benedict XVI said in an address to biblical experts.
"The church must always renew and rejuvenate herself" through "the Word of God, which never gets old or expires," he said.
The pope urged a renewal of this ancient tradition, saying he was convinced it would "bring a new spiritual springtime to the church if promoted effectively.
"The pope's message came in a Sept. 16 address at his summer residence of Castel Gandolfo to some 500 biblical experts, scholars and pastoral leaders attending an international conference in Rome.
The Catholic Biblical Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity sponsored the congress commemorating the 40th anniversary of "Dei Verbum," the Second Vatican Council's document on Scripture and revelation.
Pope Benedict reminded his audience that he was "a young theologian" who took part in the "lively discussions" at the time that resulted in "Dei Verbum."
"The church and the word of God are inseparably linked," he said.
Pope praises the role of consecrated men and women in the Church
September 29, 2005
Pope praises consecrated men, women who 'continue work of evangelization, bear witness on all continents'Vatican City, Sep. 29, 2005 (
CNA) - In a letter made public today by the Vatican, Pope Benedict praised the role of Consecrated men and women in the Church saying that, "there is no human or ecclesial field where they are not present, often silently but always active and creative."
The Holy Father wrote the letter to participants of the plenary assembly of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. It is addressed to Archbishop Franc Rode, prefect of the congregation.
In it, the Pope reflected on how, throughout the history of the Church, the Holy Spirit has enriched the faithful, not only with gifts of wisdom, prophecy and sanctity, but by "giving her ever new forms of evangelical life through the work of founders and foundresses who transmitted their charism to a family of spiritual sons and daughters."
He called monasteries and centers of spirituality "oases of contemplation and schools of prayer, of education in faith and of spiritual guidance." The Pope wrote that above all, consecrated men and women today "continue the great work of evangelization and of bearing witness on all continents."
Two TV biopics of Pope John Paul II in the works
The New York TimesTwo Visions of the Man Who Would Become Pope By
ALAN RIDINGPublished: September 28, 2005
ROME - Pope John Paul II's enduring charisma found unlikely expression here one recent afternoon. At the end of a day's filming of a new television movie about his life, Italian and Latin American extras rushed to be photographed beside the gray-haired man in papal gowns. That he happened to be Jon Voight seemed secondary. For the extras, this was as close as they would ever get to John Paul.
Mr. Voight, who at 66 persuasively evokes the older John Paul, is growing used to such reactions. After he spoke a few words about "the dignity of man" in Spanish while re-enacting John Paul's first visit to Mexico, the extras burst into spontaneous applause. And on the previous day, when the 1981 attempt on the pope's life was filmed, some of the extras burst into tears at the sight of the "wounded" pontiff.
For the movie's producers, all this is reassuring. It means that, even after the media extravaganza that accompanied John Paul's protracted death and monumental funeral, even after the pomp and ceremony of the election and installation of Benedict XVI as his successor, there may well be an audience for one more biopic retelling the story of the first Polish pontiff.
But how about two?
As it happens, two American television networks - ABC and CBS - had the same idea about the same time. Both movies are planned for this season, although no broadcast dates have yet been announced. ABC's "Have No Fear: The Life of John Paul II" will run two hours; CBS's mini-series version, with Mr. Voight, has the working title of "Pope John Paul II" and will run four hours over two evenings.
more...This and other posts on Christian screenwriting and media can be viewed on my blog "An Anglo-Irish Convert in 'the City'".
Muslim Turkey in the EU?: Just say "No"
Keeping an increasingly Islamist Turkey out of the European Union is a sound idea especially as Pope Benedict XVI attempts to re-evangelize for Christ a thoroughly secularized Europe.'No' to Islamist Turkey By
Frank J Gaffney Jr.Washington Times
September 28, 2005
On Oct. 3, representatives of the European Union and the Turkish government of Islamist Recep Erdogan will meet to determine if Muslim Turkey will be allowed to seek full membership in the EU. It will be best for Turkey, to say nothing of Europe and the West more generally, if the EU answer under present circumstances is: "Thanks, but no thanks."
The reason Europe should politely, but firmly, reject Turkey's bid should be clear: Prime Minister Erdogan is systematically turning his country from a Muslim secular democracy into an Islamofascist state governed by an ideology anathema to European values and freedoms.
Evidence of such an ominous transformation is not hard to find.
• Turkey is awash with billions of dollars in what is known as "green money," apparently emanating from funds Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states withdrew from the United States after September 11, 2001. U.S. policymakers are concerned this unaccountable cash is laundered in Turkey, then used to finance businesses and generate new revenue streams for Islamofascist terrorism. At the very least, everything else on Mr. Erdogan's Islamist agenda is lubricated by these resources.
"How the Church Built Western Civilization" combats historical myths about the Church
How the Church Built Western CivilizationInterview With Historian Thomas Woods Jr.
CORAM, New York, SEPT. 26, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- Contrary to popular opinion, the Catholic Church historically has been the champion of scientific, economic, legal and social progress.
So says Thomas Woods Jr., history professor at Suffolk County Community College and author of "How the Church Built Western Civilization" (
Woods shared with ZENIT how the Church has contributed to science, the development of free-market economies, Western legal systems and international law, and why Catholic intellectual and cultural figures desperately need to redeem Western civilization.
Q: How did it come to be that the Church is considered the enemy of progress, freedom, human rights, science, and just about everything else modernity champions, when in fact your book claims that the Catholic Church is at the origin of these phenomena?
Woods: There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but I'll confine myself to one. It is much easier to propagate historical myth than most people realize.
Take, for instance, the idea -- which we were all taught in school -- that in the Middle Ages everyone thought the world was flat. This, as Jeffrey Burton Russell has shown, is a 19th-century myth that was deliberately concocted to cast the Church in a bad light. It couldn't be further from the truth.
The matter of Galileo, which most people know only in caricature, has fueled some of this fire. But it is both illegitimate and totally misleading to extrapolate from the Galileo case to the broader conclusion that the Church has historically been hostile to science.
Pope's Angelus reflection: the Eucharist renews the world with the love of Christ
Agenzia FidesSeptember 26, 2005
In his Angelus reflection the Pope speaks about Eucharist and charity: “The Eucharist is a source of spiritual energy which renews the world with the love of Christ”. Special mention of victims of natural disasters in America and in other parts of the world.
Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) - Addressing the people gathered yesterday for his last Sunday Angelus prayer at his Summer Residence in Castel Gandolfo before he returns to the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI continued his reflections on the bond between the Eucharist and charity. “Charity - agape in Greek, caritas in Latin - does not mean primarily a good act or sentiment - the Pope explained -, it refers to the spiritual gift of God’s love poured into the human heart by the Holy Spirit which moves the heart to make an act of self-giving to God and neighbour.
The whole earthly life of Jesus was “one act of love”: “Jesus’ words in the Upper Room anticipate his death and show the attitude with which he faced it transforming it into a gift of self, an act of total self-giving love. In the Eucharist the Lord gives himself to us with his body, his soul, his divinity and we become one with him and among ourselves. Therefore our response to his love must be concrete and expressed through authentic conversion with love, forgiveness, reciprocal acceptance and attention for the needs of all. There are many different forms of service we can render to neighbour in every day life. The Eucharist is a source of spiritual energy which renews the world with the love of Christ.”
The Pope recalled some of the Saints “who drew strength from the Eucharist for a life of active charity and not rarely heroic”: St Vincent de’ Paul, Blessed Mother Teresa. In particular the Blessed Virgin Mary who after the Annunciation went in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth. “Let us pray that every Christian nourished by the Body and Blood of the Lord - the Holy Father said -, may grow in ever deeper love for God and generous service of brothers and sisters”.
After the prayer, the Pope addressed the different groups of visitors and said among other things “I greet all the English-speaking visitors present at today’s Angelus. Our thoughts go especially to those who are affected by the natural disasters in the United States and other parts of the world. I invite you to join me in prayer to the Lord for all who suffer, for the victims and their loved ones, and for the rescue workers. May God grant them consolation and strength in their trials.”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 26/9/2005; righe 25, parole 379)
See the Pope's address
Primary task of exorcist?: to proclaim the Gospel
Italian Exorcists Dispel MisconceptionsEvangelization Seen as Main Task
COLLEVALENZA, Italy, SEPT. 23, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- The primary task of the exorcist is to proclaim the Gospel, said a congress of the Association of Italian Exorcists.
"The Exorcist in the New Evangelization" was the theme of the eighth meeting of Italian exorcists held in Collevalenza, in the province of Perugia, attended by 180 members of the association.
In statements to the Italian newspaper Avvenire, Father Giancarlo Gramolazzo, president of the International Association of Exorcists, said: "There is much disinformation today on the role of the exorcist; sadly, the media shows this figure as something other than what he really is."
"With his apostolate," he said, the exorcist "leads to the faith, persons who are possessed, vexed or obsessed by the devil."
"Essentially," said Father Gramolazzo, "the exorcist is a catechist who undertakes a journey of faith with a person, also involving the family. The Gospel also teaches this -- Mark 9:14-29 -- when we read, for example, the case of the possessed child whom Jesus heals by helping the father to have faith."
Christians concerned Iraqi draft constitution could lead to persecution of non-Muslims
The Christian PostChristians Concerned that Iraqi Constitution Lacks Religious ToleranceSaturday, Sep. 24, 2005 Posted: 9:24:18AM EST
Since the Iraq draft constitution was finalized on Sunday Sept. 18, Christian leaders have expressed deep concern about the threat to religious tolerance that could emerge upon the adoption of the constitution in October.
Prior to the passage of the draft constitution by the Iraqi parliament last Sunday, the patriarch of Baghdad for the Chaldeans had a meeting with the president and prime minister of Iraq on behalf of the Iraqi Bishops’ Conference to make a last-minute call on the change of the draft constitution, according to a report by the Catholic News Service (CNS).
"The bishops' conference expressed a grave concern and fear … about Article 2.1(a). This opens the door widely to passing laws that are unjust towards non-Muslims. The conference insists that this clause be amended or deleted," said a statement agreed by the country’s 12 bishops and presented to the Iraqi top officials on Sunday’s meeting. The statement was made public on Monday.
The controversy over the draft constitution lies on Article 2.1(a), which states "no law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam." According to CNS, Christian leaders fear it will inevitably lead to the country to being governed by Shariah, or Islamic law, and therefore threatens the tolerance towards non-Muslim religions.
Vote count in election of Pope Benedict XVI revealed
AP via Yahoo! News
Fri Sep 23, 8:41 AM ET
Diary Reveals Vote Talley for New PopeVATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI was elected with 84 votes and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was second with 26 after four rounds of voting during April's conclave, according to a cardinal's unauthorized diary that was published Friday.
The anonymous diary appeared in the respected Italian political magazine Limes. The magazine said it obtained the diary from a "trustworthy" source it had known for years.
Pope Benedict XVI gives first TV interview; speaks about friendship with John Paul II
Seattle Post-IntelligencerThursday, September 22, 2005 · Last updated 12:14 p.m. PT
Pope Benedict gives first TV interview
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI has granted his first television interview, speaking with Polish television about his friendship with the late Pope John Paul II, Vatican Radio reported Thursday.
The interview will be broadcast in Poland on Oct. 16, the anniversary of the Polish-born John Paul's 1978 election as pontiff.
The Rev. Andrea Majewski, the Jesuit in charge of Catholic programming for Polish public television, conducted the 15-minute interview Tuesday at the pope's summer residence at Castel Gandolfo south of Rome.
He told Vatican Radio the interview focused on John Paul's personality and that Benedict spoke in Italian, "the common language of the popes."
A chronicle of the last words and moments of Pope John Paul II
John Paul II's Last Words
Vatican Publishes the Final "Stations" of His Way of the Cross
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 20, 2005 (
ZENIT.org).- Pope John Paul II's last words before his death April 2 were, "Let me go to the house of the Father," says a chronicle published by the Holy See.
The latest edition of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official Vatican bulletin, begins with the narration of about four pages in Italian, with an introduction in Latin. The text details the last days of John Paul II.
The chronicle of April 2 begins at 7:30 p.m. with the Mass celebrated in the Holy Father's presence, "who began to experience the beginning of the loss of consciousness."
"At the end of the morning he received the cardinal Secretary of State for the last time and then began a sharp increase in temperature," the document said. "
"Around 3:30 p.m., with a feeble and hoarse voice, in Polish, the Holy Father pleaded, 'Let me go to the house of the Father,'" the text said. A little before 7 p.m. he entered a coma. The monitor documented the progressive exhaustion of his vital functions.
According to a Polish tradition, a small candle lit up the darkness of the chamber where the Pope was slowing fading away.
At 8 p.m. began the Mass for the feast of Divine Mercy at the foot of the dying Pontiff's bed. The rite was presided by Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, John Paul II's private secretary, together with Cardinal Marian Jaworski, archbishop of Lviv of the Latin rite, Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, and Monsignor Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki, the Pope's other personal secretary.
"Liturgical songs accompanied the celebration and they blended with those of the youth and the multitude of faithful gathered in prayer in St. Peter's Square. At 9:37 p.m. John Paul II fell asleep in the Lord."
Vatican teams to investigate seminaries and priest formation starting late September
Vatican Responds to the Sexual Abuse Crisis; Ignatius Press Experts Available for Comment on Vatican Seminary VisitationTo: National Desk
Contact: Christine Valentine-Owsik of Valentine Communications for
Ignatius Press, 215-230-8095,
valencom@aol.comMedia Advisory, Sept. 21 /
Christian Wire Service/ -- In response to the sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the American Catholic Church, as well as ongoing concerns about the formation of priests, Vatican-appointed teams will inspect 229 seminaries and theology schools in the U.S, from late September 2005 to June 2006. Reports by 117 inspectors will be sent directly to the Vatican in confidential reports.
Just this week came the news that Pope Benedict XVI has approved a new Vatican policy document indicating that men with homosexual tendencies should not be ordained as priests. The new document is in response to a request by the late Pope John Paul II, and will likely be published after an international meeting of bishops in Rome that concludes October 23rd, according to CWNews.com.
Papal envoy: U.S. needs help after Katrina
U.S. Needs Help After Katrina, Says Papal Envoy
Archbishop Cordes Urges Solidarity in Wake of Hurricane
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 19, 2005 (
ZENIT.org).- The special papal envoy who toured the hurricane-struck U.S. Gulf Coast says it's vital that the United States not be "abandoned" as it rebuilds from the devastation.
Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes had met with inhabitants of the areas damaged by Hurricane Katrina to relay the spiritual closeness of Benedict XVI and concrete forms of aid from the Holy Father.
For four days the president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" traveled throughout the storm-ravaged areas, meeting with local Catholic communities and visiting the victims in their places of refuge.
"The personal presence of a special papal envoy has quickly found words of gratitude in the ecclesial and civil spheres," the prelate told Vatican Radio on returning to Rome.
"As a matter of fact, it seems that the Vatican has been the only state in the world to have sent a state representative to the affected areas," he added.
Vatican to celebrate European Heritage Day on Sept. 25
As part of an overall effort to re-evangelize Europe, one of the Pope's aims is to reaquaint increasingly secular Europeans with the glories of Christian civilization. He wishes ultimately to return them to their Christian roots. In this age of political correctness such an effort is greatly needed.Vatican to open museums, catacombs, share Christian history in celebration of European Heritage DayVatican City, Sep. 20, 2005 (
CNA) - The Vatican announced today that it will once again take part in the annual "European Heritage Day", on September 25th, and will open all Vatican museums and Roman catacombs to the public for free that day.
The "European Heritage Days" celebration is a yearly initiative sponsored by the Council of Europe. This year, more than 40 countries will explore the theme: "Memory and Identity. The 'traditio ecclesiae' in intercultural dialogue."
According to the Vatican, programs are being prepared by the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Patrimony of the Church, the Vatican Museums, and the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology.
Pope approves banning men with homosexual tendencies from seminaries
Pope approves barring gay seminarians Vatican, Sep. 19 (CWNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI (
bio -
news) has given his approval to a new Vatican policy document indicating that men with homosexual tendencies should not be ordained as Catholic priests.
The new document-- which was prepared by the Congregation for Catholic Education, in response to a request made by the late Pope John Paul II (
bio -
news) in 1994 -- will be published soon. It will take the form of an "Instruction," signed by the prefect and secretary of the Congregation: Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski and Archbishop Michael Miller.
The text, which was approved by Pope Benedict at the end of August, says that homosexual men should not be admitted to seminaries even if they are celibate, because their condition suggests a serious personality disorder which detracts from their ability to serve as ministers.
Priests who have already been ordained, if they suffer from homosexual impulses, are strongly urged to renew their dedication to chastity, and a manner of life appropriate to the priesthood.
more...And, an article from the secular publication Newsday.com that references the article above:
Report: Pope bans gay seminariansBY CAROL EISENBERG
September 20, 2005
Pope Benedict XVI is said to have approved a document saying that homosexual men should not be ordained as Roman Catholic priests, a conservative Catholic Web site reported yesterday.
The long-anticipated document, prepared at the request of the late Pope John Paul II, reportedly calls on bishops to bar even chaste homosexuals from seminaries because their orientation is rooted in a personality disorder that may undermine their capacity to minister, according to Catholic World News.
Vatican releases record of John Paul II's last days
NYTimes.comVatican Releases Official Record of Pope John Paul II's Final DaysBy
BRIAN WINGFIELDPublished: September 19, 2005
ROME, Sept. 18 - The Vatican has published a meticulous account of Pope John Paul II's final days, vividly describing his last hours and providing an official chronology of his death.
According to the report, which runs more than 200 pages, John Paul's final words were, "Let me go to the house of the Father," which he uttered about six hours before dying in his apartment on April 2.
The report is being released as a supplement to the Vatican's official journal, the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Excerpts were published in the Sunday issue of Avvenire, a Roman Catholic newspaper.
The Vatican did not provide a similar report for John Paul's predecessor, Pope John Paul I, who died in 1978, just over a month into his papacy. As a result, conspiracy theories abounded about his death.
KatrinaBusinessHelp.org launched to rebuild damaged businesses in wake of disaster
KatrinaBusinessHelp.org Helps Rebuild Businesses Affected by Hurricane KatrinaSassinsky Data Services, LLC announces the launch of KatrinaBusinessHelp.org to help businesses, business owners and individuals affected by Hurricane Katrina find the products and services they require to rebuild.
Haddonfield, NJ (PRWEB via
PR Web Direct) September 14, 2005 -- Sassinsky Data Services, LLC announces the launch of KatrinaBusinessHelp.org to help businesses, business owners and individuals affected by Hurricane Katrina find the products and services they require to rebuild. KatrinaBusinessHelp.org is an open forum for donors to post what they have to offer and Katrina impacted businesses to find what they need. The site is offered totally free of charge. There is no cost to donors or potential recipients.
Opposing worldviews clash in "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"
Catholic Exchange
Movie Review: The Exorcism of Emily Rose
A line in the trailer for The Exorcism of Emily Rose, felicitously cut from the final film, observes that “There’s no pill for the devil.” More to the point, there’s no diagnostic test or scan for him, either.
In This Article...
A Study in Opposing WorldviewsUnsettling Persuasive RealismAnother Cinematic Point of Reference
A Study in Opposing Worldviewsby
Steven D. Greydanus[Editor's Note: This film contains intense, disturbing phenomena and imagery. It is suitable only for adults.]
Do the voices whispering in someone’s head come from his own subconscious, or from somewhere else? Is some syndrome or condition responsible for a patient’s disturbing behavior — or is the syndrome simply the name given by doctors to a particular set of symptoms and behaviors? Does a patient’s aversion to religious objects point to satanic influence, or is it merely obsessive-compulsive behavior with a religious bent?
The Catholic Church’s guidelines regarding possible cases of demonic possession, as with purported miracles and apparitions, insist on a default stance of skepticism. Naturalistic explanations are assumed until there is persuasive evidence to look beyond them (for example, displays of knowledge that seems impossible to account for in human terms, such as secrets known to the exorcist alone, or familiarity with unknown languages).
more...See also my referral to John Zmirak' s review in GodSpy.
Final document issued by UN Summit is setback for abortion advocates
UN summit is setback for abortion lobbyNew York, Sep. 16 (C-fam.org/CWNews.com) - The final document issued by the UN member-states at the conclusion of this week's Millennium Development Summit in New York marked a setback for proponents of abortion, the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam) notes.
"Everyone from Kofi Annan to special UN commissions to non-governmental organizations to UN member-states called vigorously over the past year that the new document must contain far reaching ratification of reproductive rights language, language that is used to promote abortion," C-Fam recalls. "It appears they have for the most part failed."
Experts in canon law on John Paul II's cause: talk of his "martyrdom" is not appropriate
September 15, 2005
"Martyrdom" Not a Likely Factor in John Paul II's CauseCardinal Saraiva Clarifies a Point Related to Canon Law
VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 15, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- It's hard to say how long the beatification process for John Paul II would take, says a Vatican official who cautioned that talk of the Polish Pope's "martyrdom" is not appropriate.
"Pope Benedict XVI dispensed only the time required to open the cause, not the cause itself," said Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Sainthood Causes.
He was responding to a question posed Wednesday during the blessing of the statue of St. Josemaría Escrivá at St. Peter's Basilica.
Chief rabbis invite Pope to Jerusalem; ask him to condemn destruction of Gaza synagogues
Date: 2005-09-15
Chief Rabbis of Israel Invite Benedict XVI to JerusalemEcho an Offer Made by Prime Minister Sharon
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, SEPT. 15, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- The two chief rabbis of Israel, Shlomo Moshe Amar and Yona Metzger, have invited Benedict XVI to visit Jerusalem.
The invitation came during a private audience today at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome.
The Pope, who warmly welcomed the rabbis, told them that their visit was a "further step toward the process of building deeper religious relations between Christians and Jews."
With their offer, the two rabbis supported the invitation, made previously in a letter from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to the Bishop of Rome to visit the Holy Land.
The rabbis also asked Benedict XVI to condemn the destruction of the synagogues in Gaza, they revealed later in a press conference.
Catholic Church to review U.S. seminaries; looking for faculty dissent and homosexuality
Reuters via Yahoo! News
Thu Sep 15, 8:25 AM ET
Catholic probe to look at gays in seminaries: NY TimesNEW YORK (Reuters) - Catholic Church investigators tasked by the
Vatican to review U.S. seminaries will be looking for "evidence of homosexuality" and for professors who dissent from Church teaching, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
The newspaper said a Vatican document prepared to guide the process and given to The New York Times by a priest, surfaces as Catholics await a Vatican ruling on whether homosexuals should be barred from the priesthood.
American seminaries are under review as a result of the sexual abuse scandal that swept the priesthood in 2002, the year the probe which is now starting was announced.
In a possible hint of the ruling's contents, the American archbishop supervising the seminary review said "anyone who has engaged in homosexual activity or has strong homosexual inclinations," should not be admitted to a seminary.
Archdiocese of New Orleans seeks donations for Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
New Orleans Archdiocese Sets Up Relief FundNEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, SEPT. 14, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- Archbishop Alfred Hughes of New Orleans is asking for prayers and support for archdiocesan efforts to aid those routed by Hurricane Katrina.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans has set up a Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund to provide for basic assistance to people displaced from the New Orleans area and for those who are helping the displaced.
A significant number of archdiocesan churches, parishes, schools, and other community service facilities have been greatly affected by the hurricane, the U.S. bishops' conference said.
Contributions can be made online at the archdiocesan Web site,
Donations can be mailed to:
Archdiocese of New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
1800 S. Acadian Thruway
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Vatican Radio to air special on life of Pope Benedict XVI on September 25
Vatican Radio to air special on life of Benedict XVI Vatican City, Sep. 14, 2005 (
CNA) - Vatican Radio announced it would air a special radio program on the life of Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday, September 25.
The program, done in a radio-theater format, focuses on the childhood and youth of the Pope and is based on his autobiographical work, "My Life," which he wrote as a cardinal.
The script for the program was written by Franco Bucarelli, who was inspired to pen the script after he read the Pope’s book. The story will be accompanied by interviews with friends and bishops who are close to Benedict XVI.
New Orleans Archbishop appeals to Catholics worldwide to aid Hurricane Katrina victims
September 13, 2005
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Archbishop of New Orleans calls on Catholics the world over to offer prayers and funds for hurrican victims. 90% of the archdiocese’s churches, schools and parishes were flooded New Orleans (Agenzia Fides) - Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes of New Orleans has appealed to Catholics the world over for prayers and material aid to support efforts by the archdiocese to meet the many needs victims of Hurricane Katrina. The archdiocese has established a Fund to provide short term aid of basic necessities and long term projects for rebuilding ruined church buildings. The Archbishop said over 90% of places of worship, church run schools, parishes and other buildings are seriously damaged and no longer able to serve the diocese’s 150,000 Catholic families.
According to the National Catholic Register 30% of the people in the archdiocese of New Orleans are Catholic. Before the hurricane hit there were 140 parishes, 90 chapels for adoration (49 in town and 41 in the area) 3 Catholic universities; 14 high schools; 15 middle schools; 38 institutes of Brothers and 25 of Sisters.
Archbishop Hughes calls on Catholics all over the world to join a “community prayer network for the victims of Hurricane Katrina with the slogan “One church - one community”. He says the goal is “20 million prayer intentions”.
God was not silent in the midst of the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina
He, our dear Lord above, speaks to us at all times and everywhere. We sometimes are just not able to hear. He is in the still small voice within our hearts and in the merciful love of others extended to us in our time of need...
September 13, 2005
Archbishop Gomez: God was not silent in Hurricane Katrina disasterSan Antonio, TX, Sep. 13, 2005 (
CNA) - Although the horrors of Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast two weeks ago, has become a source of despair and dismay for many, San Antonio Archbishop Jose Gomez is challenging his people to see the ever-present face of God in the midst of tragedy.
In a special editorial Saturday in the San Antonio Express-News, the Archbishop said that “When Hurricane Katrina was forcing its will on the cities and the people of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, it seemed that the only voice that could be heard was the roaring of an angry wind and the human cry for help.”
He described a “deafening silence” heard by many in the days following the storm and subsequent flooding which begged the question--repeated by many in the last two weeks--‘where was God?’
“God”, said the Archbishop, “was in the fearful mother driven only by her desire to protect her children. God was in the heroic acts of men and women who risked their lives, some losing them, to save those they loved and those they hardly knew.”
“God truly was present in Katrina,” he wrote, “even in the darkness it brought, allowing us to see how fragile life can be, and how, when the storm grew quiet, all that we ever had that truly mattered was him and each other.”
He stressed that “In the face of the devastation of Katrina, God was not silent. His voice has been heard in the welcoming words, embraces and hard work of literally thousands of people involved in restoring the lives of evacuees.”
Archbishop Gomez pointed to the Gospel of Matthew, specifically the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, in which “the disciples were concerned that they could not feed the thousands who had been listening to Jesus preach that day.”
Catholic League President Donohue to Feds: dump FEMA and aid churches directly
Catholic LeagueSeptember 9, 2005
DUMP FEMA: FEDS SHOULD AID CHURCHESCatholic League president William Donohue spoke today about the way government agencies and churches have responded to Hurricane Katrina:
“In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, two things seem obvious: the federal, state and local government response has been a disaster, and the response of churches has been nothing short of heroic. If there is any lesson to be learned, it is that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should be dumped and that federal aid should be given to churches and other houses of worship that participate in emergency relief efforts. But the aid, either in the form of reimbursements or grants, must be offered without compromising the autonomy of churches.
On 4th anniversary of 9/11 Pope calls all people to renounce hatred and work toward peace
September 11, 2005
Benedict XVI Talks Peace on 9/11 Anniversary
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, SEPT. 11, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- Four years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States, Benedict XVI appealed for the building of a more just and peaceful society.
"Today, September 11, we remember the victims of terrorist violence throughout the world," the Pope said today in English after reciting the Angelus with crowds gathered at the papal summer residence, south of Rome.
"May God inspire men and women of good will everywhere to renounce hatred and to build a world of justice, solidarity and peace," added the Holy Father.
Benedict XVI also said a few words in French: "Our brothers are in need of reconciliation and peace."
The Pope also urged all believers to be "witnesses of God's mercy."
New Vatican web page displays key documents for "Year of the Eucharist"
Note bene: On my blog, I am linked to the same documents via, "'Year of the Eucharist'--Key Documents" under section "Praying with the Church," subsection "Praying the Liturgy of the Church."
Date: 2005-09-09
Web Page Culls Key Eucharist Documents
Zenit.org).- To help Catholics live the last month of the Year of the Eucharist, the Holy See has made key documents on the sacrament easily accessible on the Vatican Web page.
The section entitled
Year of the Eucharist, includes the documents that John Paul II prepared to convoke the year, as well as other essential texts of his magisterium on the Eucharist.
The section also includes the suggestions by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments on how to spiritually take advantage of the year.
Another section offers fundamental texts of the International Eucharistic Congress, held last October in Mexico, which opened the Year of the Eucharist.
Among the resources presented on the Web page are passages from the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Eucharist, as well as a meditation of St. Francis of Assisi, of the Fathers of the Church and of some recent pastoral figures.
Clergy laud Bush's Day of Prayer for Hurricane Katrina victims; details of prayer proclamation
In response to requests to designate a day of prayer for victims of Hurricane Katrina, Bush recently declared September 16 a National Day of Prayer.
Christian Communication NetworkClergy Applaud President For Declaring Day of Prayer
To: National Desk
Contact: Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the
National Clergy Council, 202-546-8329 ext. 106, 703-447-7686 cell; Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell
Christian Wire Service/ -- The National Clergy Council and the Christian Defense Coalition, that together asked on August 31 for President Bush to declare a national day of prayer for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, today applaud him for doing so.
The White House has designated September 16 as a National Day of Prayer in Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina."Americans are overwhelmingly people of prayer and it is prayer that will get us through the worst of circumstances. The President is once again exercising the highest form of leadership by uniting the American people on the deepest level of our common life," said the Reverend Rob Schenck, president of the National Clergy Council.
more...Here is the text of the President's prayer proclamation:
National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for The Victims of Hurricane Katrina; A Proclamation by President BushTo: National Desk
Contact: White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 202-456-2580
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, Sept. 8 /
Christian Wire Service/ -- The following is a proclamation by President Bush:
Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst natural disasters in our Nation's history and has caused unimaginable devastation and heartbreak throughout the Gulf Coast Region. A vast coastline of towns and communities has been decimated. Many lives have been lost, and hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans are suffering great hardship. To honor the memory of those who lost their lives, to provide comfort and strength to the families of the victims, and to help ease the burden of the survivors, I call upon all Americans to pray to Almighty God and to perform acts of service.
As we observe a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina, we pledge our support for those who have been injured and for the communities that are struggling to rebuild. We offer thanks to God for the goodness and generosity of so many Americans who have come together to provide relief and bring hope to fellow citizens in need. Our Nation is united in compassion for the victims and in resolve to overcome the tremendous loss that has come to America. We will strive together in this effort, and we will prevail through perseverance and prayer.
All over nation, Catholic institutions continue emergency aid to Hurricane Katrina victims
Agenzia Fides9/9/2005
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Catholic institutions all over the States continue to help in Hurricane Katrina emergency collecting funds and opening schools, homes and hospitals to victims.
New York (Fides Service) - Catholic institutions all over the United States continue to offer all kinds of help in the emergency caused by Hurricane Katrina collecting funds and providing shelter and assistance. The national office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States said the dioceses most affected by the disaster are New Orleans archdiocese, Louisiana, Biloxi diocese, Mississippi and Mobile diocese, Alabama. After some days of concern the archbishop emeritus of New Orleans Philip Hannon has been found safe and well. The elderly Bishop refused to leave his people and although his own house was flooded he stayed. When to the great concern of Catholics in New Orleans nothing was heard of him for several days a rescue team was sent to find him and take him to safety.
Also Archbishop Hughes of New Orleans and Bishop Stieb of Memphis had to evacuate their residences, and are now staying with Bishop Muench of Baton Rouge diocese in Louisiana. Both Bishops spent several days with refugees in makeshift shelters praying with them and encouraging them.
Reports of miracles of protection from Hurricane Katrina's destruction
Spirit DailyIN AFTERMATH OF KATRINA ARE REPORTS OF HOLY WATER AND MIRACULOUS PROTECTIONHow to cope with disasters? We take note of them, help those in trouble, and of course protect ourselves. That's only prudent. But we also elevate our eyes. This is extremely important: our eyes always have to be on God.
It said that yesterday in the readings at Mass:
"Brothers and sisters: If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ in your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.
"Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and the greed that is idolatry. Because of these the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient. By these you too once conducted yourselves, when you lived in that way. But now you must put them all away: anger, fury, malice, slander, and obscene language out of your mouths [Colossians 3:1-11]"
In other words, when we keep ourselves pure, we have nothing to fear.
Did you ever notice how readings from the Bible often have pertinence to current events?
It seemed like that a number of times in the wake of Katrina.
"Seek what is above," do not overly dwell on "what is on earth" -- because you are not going to be here forever.
Hide in Christ and nothing horrid will find you.
Bush declares national day of prayer and remembrance for Hurricane Katrina victims
Lord, I pray that all of us in America lift up our hearts to You during this bitter time of trial. I ask You to shed your grace and love over all those who are suffering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina.
Please comfort all those in need with the "blessed's" of the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus, our dear Lord, spoke them [Matthew 5:1-12 (RSV)]:
1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you."
May "God bless America."
The Miami HeraldPosted on Thu, Sep. 08, 2005
Bush declares a day of prayerBy Ellen Dunkel
Knight Ridder Newspapers
President Bush today designated Sept. 16 a national day of prayer and rememberance for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
The federal government has been harshly criticized for its reaction to the hurricane, but Bush said that relief supplies are pouring in and more help is on the way.
"The government is going to be with you for the long haul," Bush told people who were affected by the storm.
He said the government would be assigning "evacuee status" to everyone from the counties that were declared disaster areas, meaning they'd be get help with housing and able to receive FEMA benefits in any state they wind up in.
He also pledged the government would cut through red tape to provide an immediate $2,000 in disaster assistance to displaced families and make sure they continue receiving Medicaid, food stamps, jobless compensation and other federal benefits.
"Our goal is not to simply provide benefits, but to make them as easy and simple to collect," he said.
The "Governator" to terminate same-sex marriage bill
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to terminate gay marriage billAFP via Yahoo! News
1 hour, 10 minutes ago
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Movie hero governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will terminate the historic gay marriage legislation approved by the California legislature and put on his desk for approval, his office announced in a press release.
A majority of voters in the US state of California backed a proposition five years ago defining marriage here as the union of a man and a woman, and Schwarzenegger is standing by that mandate, said spokeswoman Margita Thompson.
"Our of respect for the will of the people, the governor will veto (the bill)," Thompson said in a written release.
Prayer needed: California same-sex marriage bill passes; goes to Governor
Please pray that Governor Schwarzernegger vetoes the same-sex marriage bill that just passed the California legislature. September 7, 2005
Same-Sex Marriage Bill Goes to Governor
SACRAMENTO, California, SEPT. 7, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- Pro-family observers hope that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoes newly approved legislation that would allow same-sex marriage in California.
The state Assembly approved the same-sex marriage measure, 41-35, on Tuesday. The Senate had approved it last week.
Schwarzenegger previously expressed an acceptance of same-sex marriages but said it is an issue that should be decided by voters or the courts.
Five years ago, Californians overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22, the Defense of Marriage Act, to protect traditional marriage.
Tony Perkins, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council, said in a statement: "A legislature that does not heed the will of the people is not a legislature that is functioning as it is meant to function." His group urged the governor to veto the measure.
Pain of not being able to concelebrate eucharist should spur on Catholic and Orthodox unity
Date: 2005-09-05
Pope Sees Pain of Eucharistic Split as a Goad Toward UnityIn Message to Symposium of Catholic and Orthodox Theologians
CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, SEPT. 5, 2005 (
Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI believes that the suffering borne by Orthodox and Catholics because they can't concelebrate the Eucharist together, should be the goad that prompts them to reach full unity.
The Pope makes that proposal in a message sent to the inter-Christian symposium on "The Eucharist in the Eastern and Western Tradition with Particular Reference to Ecumenical Dialogue," being held in Assisi, Italy, through Wednesday.
The four-day initiative is organized by the Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical University Antonianum of Rome and the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Greece.
In the message, addressed to Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Pope says that "[s]een as particularly urgent in our time is the search for full visible unity among all the disciples of Christ and for this reason, there is a need for a more profound spirituality of greater reciprocal love."
After recalling "with how much love Eastern Christians celebrate liturgical worship, above all the Eucharistic celebration," the Holy Father acknowledges that the "absence of full communion does not allow, unfortunately, the concelebration that for both is the sign of that full unity to which we are all called."
A prospective on prophecies of purification: "God in His mercy purifies"
The truth of prophecy or lack thereof must be submitted to the discernment and final judgment of the Church. With that caution, we are, however, called by Scripture to heed "the signs of the times." Michael H. Brown, Catholic, author, former New Times journalist and creator of the website "Spirit Daily" gives his perspective on natural disaster and prophecy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:Spirit DailyNO ONE LIKES TO HEAR IT, BUT PURIFICATION IS IN PROGRESS AND HAS JUST INTENSIFIEDBy Michael H. Brown
Prophets have been dismissed in every period and so now prophecy runs into the same resistance as applies to disasters like "Katrina."
Amos. Jeremiah. Jonah. What would they say?
We have a feeling they would have said what was said at Sodom or Nineveh and that it would be dismissed, of course, in a modern world that has gone "religiously (as well as politically) correct."
It is not religiously correct to point out anything "negative" (the evil in our society tries to intimidate anyone from identifying it), even though the real negative is ignoring and tolerating evil that if not purged will cause thousands more to die in the future.
The cruelest thing we can do right now is to ignore the aspect of the Church that (like Christ Himself) is prophetic and to ignore the fact that God in His mercy purifies.
more...And, in the same vein and noting the "signs of the times," an article from the Spirit Daily archives reveals that Brown had issued this prescient warning to New Orleans in 2001:
Oh New Orleans, shed ye the darkness or face disasterby Michael H. Brown
There are few cities with so many good as New Orleans and also few cities where there is such a stark coexistence with the bad. It is this city, the Big Easy, that is home to kind and generous and Christian people (nowhere is more Catholic) and yet also this city that has allowed evil to flourish in a way that has become truly dangerous.
I have to be blunt: New Orleans, you are in peril. You are a fine people but you have let fester an evil that is unmatched outside of Hollywood and Berkeley and Times Square. The devil is invoked in your city (there is even a swamp named for him just to the north in Baton Rouge) and there is nothing more hazardous. Voodoo priests are openly at work. There are occult temples. There are tours to "haunted" cemeteries. There is the proud tomb of voodoo queen Marie Leveau. "This mystical religion is as big a part of New Orleans as jazz, Cajun food and Mardi Gras," notes one writer. "Before you start thinking that voodoo is something of the past, the reader should be aware that the religion is as alive today as it was in the days of Marie Laveau. On a recent trip to New Orleans, I visited no less than 4 voodoo shops and a voodoo museum, plus visited with three different voodoo priestesses!"
It's that kind of stuff -- not God -- that brings disaster. When you invoke dark spirits, you get a storm. The very word hurricane comes from the Indian hurukan for evil spirit and when we look at the Bible we note that black magic -- the very definition of voodoo -- was quickest to bring the Lord's judgment.
Inland dioceses adopt devastated Gulf Coast dioceses in wake of Hurricane Katrina
The Edge
Gulf Coast Dioceses Devastatedby Deal Hudson
The path of Katrina left devastation and loss of life over three states. The recovery operation will be the largest in the history of our nation.
The same will be true for our Church, facing the challenge of rebuilding the Catholic infrastructure along the Gulf Coast.
In an extraordinary measure, three inland dioceses in Mississippi and Louisiana are "adopting" the three dioceses most directly affected by the storm. The Diocese of Baton Rouge has adopted the Archdiocese of New Orleans; the Diocese of Jackson the Diocese of Biloxi; and the Diocese of Lafayette the Diocese of Homa-Thibodaux.
In addition to office space, the adopted dioceses will receive office equipment, computers, telephones, housing, and the help of local diocesan staff.
Archbishop Hughes of New Orleans has already set up a chancery in an empty elementary school in Baton Rouge. He expects to be there at least four months.
Multiple and various Christian agencies organize to help victims of Hurricane Katrina
ASSIST News Service (
ANS) - PO Box 2126, Garden Grove, CA 92842-2126
September 3, 2005
EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM CALLS KATRINA THE WORST TRAGEDY AMERICA HAS KNOWN IN MORE THAN 200 YEARSChristian Agencies Respond To Hurricane Katrina's Devastation And DestructionBy Michael Ireland
Chief Correspondent
ASSIST News Service GULF COAST (ANS) -- While local, state and federal emergency response resources are being stretched to their limits, Christian organizations are already on the ground in the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina and are responding with the love of Christ to those whose lives have been devastated and disrupted.
ASSIST News Service (ANS) has monitored reports from Christian missions, ministries and relief agencies and has put together the following accounts in an effort to counter the negative criticism of the relief effort by government entities put out by the secular media.
"The disaster of Hurricane Katrina may be the worst tragedy America has known since the Civil War. The aftermath has almost been frightening," says Dr. Billy Graham, speaking from his home outside Charlotte, North Carolina.
"Mayhem, looting, shooting, and raping on one hand -- compassion on the other. Millions of Americans, and millions of people in many countries abroad, want to help. The tragedy is so overwhelming that it is beyond comprehension. Yet it presents a challenge. With the aid of modern technology it is possible to turn the tragedy into blessing," Dr. Graham said in a statement released to media outlets.
Dr. Graham continued: "I pray especially for the hundreds of thousands who have become refugees because of what has happened. The flood of refugees may be one of the greatest challenges our society has ever faced. It is clear that it will take years for thousands of lives to return to normal. Once again, Americans are showing that they are the most compassionate people in the world. Scores of organizations and thousands of churches and individuals are involved in opening their arms of love and compassion to these refugees. It may be the greatest opportunity to demonstrate God's love in this generation.
Catholic Church mobilizes Gulf Coast dioceses to fight the devastation of Hurricane Katrina
Thank God for the loving and embracing arms of the Church. May God protect and bless any person afflicted by this tragedy.Agenzia FidesSeptember 2, 2005
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Catholic Church mobilises to provide food, facilities, medical services for Gulf Coast people displaced by huricane Katrina Rome (Fides Service) - Following the devastating Hurricane Katrina Catholic Church facilities throughout the United States, and especially in Louisiana, Mississippi and East Texas, are responding to emergency and long-term needs by providing shelters, food, medicine and schooling for thousands of refugees. Catholic institutions, St Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic schools, hospitals, parishes have opened their premises to shelter the displaced and provide food and medical assistance. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference has launched nation wide collection of funds in aid of the disaster victims.
The archdiocese of Galveston-Houston (Texas) is offering shelter and economic aid to over 30.000 homeless people from New Orleans and other dioceses in the Gulf Coast region. St Vincent de Paul Society has launched an urgent appeal for clothing and other necessary aid to meet the emergency. Catholic schools from across the nation are opening their doors to students displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas, where well over 30,000 storm refugees relocated from New Orleans and other Gulf Coast dioceses, is providing immediate monetary aid and housing. The local Catholic hospital, Christus St. Joseph, mobilized its mobile health unit to assist at shelters. Catholic schools in the archdiocese are accepting displaced students and allowing them to register without transcripts or other transfer papers.
More on how to help victims of Hurricane Katrina
How to Help
Relief InformationNew York Times
Published: August 30, 2005
A partial list of relief organizations and other information available on the Web:
Information on Missing People:
Various Websites are hosting message boards and other information for people searching for the missing. Here are a few:
The National Next of Kin RegistryCraig's ListNOLA.com (The Times-Picayune)
WWL-TVRelief Organizations:
Charity Navigator:
charitynavigator.orgInformation on various charities and ways to donate to the relief effort.
Red Cross: 1-800-HELP-NOW or
americares.orgRoommateClick.comSite offering a service for the New Orleans homeless, free of charge.
Baton Rouge Area Foundation(BRAF): 877.387.6126 or
braf.orgEpiscopal Relief & Development: 1-800-334-7626 or
www.er-d.orgUnited Methodist Committee on Relief: 1-800-554-8583 or
gbgm-umc.org/umcor/emergency/hurricanes/2005Salvation Army: 1-800-SAL-ARMY or
www.salvationarmyusa.orgCatholic Charities: 1-800-919-9338 or
www.catholiccharitiesusa.orgFEMA Charity tips:
www.fema.gov/rrr/help2.shtmNational Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster:
How to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina
We can help not only with our prayers, but the following report from Catholic Charities outlines how we can donate to help victims in the areas hardhit by Hurricane Katrina.
August 29, 2005
Hurricane Katrina: Catholic Charities RespondAs Hurricane Katrina continues to make her trek northward, Catholic Charities agencies from around the region, such as agencies in Florida and Baton Rouge, are poised to send technical assistance teams to help the local Catholic Charities in the impacted areas with their response efforts. Once the all clear is given that it is safe to return to those communities hit by the devastating hurricane, the damage and needs assessment will begin.
How To Donate:
Contribute Now OnlineMail Checks To:
Catholic Charities USA
2005 Hurricane Relief Fund
PO Box 25168
Alexandria, VA 22313-9788
Call:(800) 919-9338
While local agencies along the Gulf Coast anticipate that they will be provide some type of emergency assistance in their communities, Catholic Charities' niche in disaster relief is to provide long-term recovery work. In fact, Catholic Charities agencies in Florida are still providing services to help people recover from last year's devastating hurricanes.
Based on past disasters, possible long-term services that Catholic Charities may provide include temporary and permanent housing, direct assistance beyond food and water to get people back into their homes, job placement counseling, and medical and prescription drug assistance.
more...Additional Organizations that one can donate to:
American Red CrossNorth American Mission Board's fund for Southern Baptist Disaster ReliefSalvation Army