Monday, January 02, 2006

Pope: terrorism, nihilism and fanatic fundamentalism are current threats to peace

Pope Warns of 3 Key Threats to Peace
Posted on January 02, 2006

Benedict XVI says that terrorism, nihilism and fanatic fundamentalism are the current threats to world peace. The Pope's words echoed in St. Peter's Basilica on the first day of 2006, crowded with faithful, during his homily on the solemnity of Mary the Mother of God.

Pope Issues Call to Combat Terrorism

The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI warned Sunday that terrorism, nihilism and "fanatic fundamentalism" threatened world peace, and he called on individuals, governments and institutions to work together to combat them.

Benedict made the appeal during a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica to mark New Year's Day, which the Roman Catholic Church celebrates annually as its World Day of Peace.

In his homily, the pope said a "shock" of courage and faith in God was necessary to spread peace, and that everyone must work together to combat the threats to it.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Pope asks UN to live up to its responsibilities

RTE News

Pope urges UN to face its responsibilities
01 January 2006 19:17

Pope Benedict XVI today called on the United Nations to live up to its responsibilities and promote justice, solidarity and peace in the world.

The world must show 'courage and faith in God and mankind to choose the path of peace,' said the pontiff in his first New Year's message from the Vatican. In his appeal the pope included 'everybody - individuals, peoples, international organisations and world powers'.

The United Nations in particular 'must again be aware of its responsibilities to promote the values of justice, solidarity and peace, in a world more and more marked by the huge phenomenon of globalisation,' he said in Saint Peter's basilica.