Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bob and Mary Schindler to be given Culture of Life Award for disability rights advocacy

Michigan Catholic Radio to Honor Parents Who Fought to Save Their Daughter From Court Ordered Starvation, Oct. 13

To National Desk

Contact: John G. Kruse, Executive Director of Michigan Catholic Radio, 248-568-6530

FERNDALE, Mich., Oct. 12 /Christian Wire Service/ -- WCAR 1090 AM will present the 2005 Culture of Life Award to Bob and Mary Schindler, parents of Terri Schiavo, at the 7th Anniversary celebration of Michigan Catholic Radio on October 13 at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. The Schindlers will speak about their ongoing advocacy for disability rights. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will include a silent auction, full meal and a program featuring video tributes of John Paul II, Terri Schiavo and Fr. Robert Fox of the Fatima Family Apostolate, who is receiving Catholic Radio's Pillar of the Church Award. The 20 member Metropolitan Gospel Choir will perform throughout the evening. Blues singer Sunny Girl will sing the National Anthem. Gold tickets at $150 include a pre reception with the honored guests. Silver tickets are $50. For tickets call 877-327-1090 or visit

The Schindler family gained national and international attention over the course of nearly 20 years as they pursued legal means to preserve the life of their brain injured daughter Terri Schiavo. The battle ended abruptly last March when Terri's feeding tube was removed by court order at the request of her husband Michael and over the objections of the Schindler family, who sought to care for Terri themselves. Through the establishment of the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation, the Schindler family continues to raise awareness and seek humane treatment and respect for the lives of the disabled members of society.

Michigan Catholic Radio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates WCAR 1090 AM (Livonia-Detroit) and WOAP 1080 AM (mid-Michigan). All contributions are tax deductible. For tax purposes, tickets are valued at $30. Amounts in excess of that sum are considered contributions.


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