Sunday, October 16, 2005

Campaign to recruit priests started by USCCB

The shortage of priests reflects many different societal factors. Now, determined to reverse that trend, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has started a campaign to recruit priests :

Priests Urged to Recruit Young Men for the Pulpit

Published: October 15, 2005

Faced with wounded morale and diminishing numbers in the priesthood, Roman Catholic bishops in the United States began a program yesterday to remind priests why they serve and to enlist them in a recruitment campaign.

In past generations, it was common for American priests to encourage young men to make lifetime commitments to the church. But a recent poll by the bishops found that one out of three priests were doing that now, said Bishop Blase J. Cupich of Rapid City, S.D., chairman of the bishops' committee on vocations.

"This program," Bishop Cupich said, "aims at having priests step back for a moment, reflect on their own service and their own vocation call and then not only use that as an opportunity to renew themselves, but also to encourage them to share their story with others who can then be called to follow in their footsteps."

The bishops made their announcement as their counterparts from around the world met at a three-week synod in Rome. Among the topics being debated there is how to deal with the worldwide shortage of priests. Although some bishops support allowing priests to marry, many others oppose lifting the celibacy requirement.


Several articles from the USCCB---"Priestly Life and Vocation Summit: Fishers of Men" and "Recruiting Vocations"---give further details.


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