Saturday, October 15, 2005

To honor JPII, Polish RC Church to build interfaith dialogue center "Be Not Afraid"


Poland Catholic church will build center in honor of late Pope John Paul II

19:00 2005-10-14

Poland's Roman Catholic church plans to build a center devoted to interfaith dialogue in honor of late Pope John Paul II at the site in southern Poland where he toiled during the Nazi occupation of his country, a church official said Friday.

The center is to be named "Be Not Afraid" after one of the Polish-born pontiff's best-known mottos. Plans foresee it being built on land near Krakow where Karol Wojtyla, the future John Paul, performed forced labor in a quarry during World War II, said Rev. Robert Necek, spokesman for the Krakow Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz.



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