Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Debate rages over interpretation of Vatican document barring gays from the priesthood

American bishops praise document, disagree sharply over its interpretation (61 links, updated Wed.)

Nov. 30 - Sharp disagreement between Bishop D'Arcy on the one hand and Cardinal McCarrick, Bishop Skylstad, and Bishop Clark on the other over interpretation of document (Washington Post)

Transcript of interview with Bishop Skylstad (Washington Post)

Bishop D'Arcy believes gays shouldn't be ordained (Fort Wayne Journal Gazette)

Father Fessio, another Jesuit debate document; Jesuit Gregorian University liturgy professor Father Keith Pecklers criticizes document (PBS)

Texas bishop says document has nothing to do with the scandal; openly homosexual Dominican condemns it (Austin American-Statesman)

Delaware bishop supports stand issued by Pope on gays (Wilmington News-Journal)

Reaction from Dallas bishop, seminary rector (Dallas Morning News)

Vatican defends policy on gay priests (AP)


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm all for the Vatican's new statement, just in case anyone would be remotely interested :D

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Dr. Denice Hanley, DPM, M.Div. said...

Yes, so am I. And, thank heavens. Kudos to the Vatican for a clear and concise statement with no mincing of words or convoluted dissection of meaning.

Liberal news agencies may spout the usual claptrap about how divisive the Vatican's policy of not allowing gays in the priesthood is, but the priest is an icon of Christ and therefore represents the Truth who is Christ. With the unassailable demand of being "in persona Christi," we know that it is only reasonable that a careful screening of candidates be enforced in order to weed out unsuitable men.


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