Friday, November 04, 2005

In interview about JPII's cause: Postulator feels "fear and trembling" before this responsibility

What the Postulator of John Paul II's Cause Faces
Interview With Monsignor Slawomir Oder

ROME, NOV. 3, 2005 ( Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the postulator of Pope John Paul II's cause for beatification and canonization, admits to feeling "fear and trembling" before this responsibility.

In an interviewed with ZENIT, Monsignor Oder commented on the profound spiritual bond that unites him to the Pope, a fellow Pole, in whose shadow his vocation to the priesthood matured. He outlined the present state of the diocesan investigation of the process of beatification, which opened June 28.

Q: How are you living the responsibility of postulator of John Paul II's cause of beatification and canonization?

Monsignor Oder: I can say that without a doubt it is a venture that I live with fear and trembling in my heart because, when one is before a human and spiritual giant like John Paul II, it's enough to start trembling, above all because one notes the closeness of the grace of God that acted in this man. But also because of the responsibility before the Church, and before so many people of good will, who manifest their desire to see John Paul II beatified as soon as possible.



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