Monday, November 21, 2005

Pope in remembrance of "Gaudium et spes": Witness to Christ always and live vocation fully

On the solemnity of Christ the King at the Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI recalls the Gaudium et Spes constitution : “The Mission of the Church yesterday, today and always is to announce and bear witness to Christ so that every man and woman may live the fullness of his or her vocation”

Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year, at the midday Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI focused once again on the Second Vatican Council which closed 40 years ago, referring to the Constitution “Gaudium et spes. “From the moment when his birth was announced, Jesus Christ, the only Son of the Father, born of the Virgin Mary was called "King", in the messianic sense, that is heir to the throne of David, according as promised by the prophets, for a kingdom that will have no end” the Pope said to thousands of people gathered in St Peter’s square to listen to his teaching and r! eceive his blessing after the Angelus prayer. “During his public life, Jesus inaugurated the new Kingdom which is ‘not of this world’, and at the end he brought it to completion with his death and resurrection... Christ’s Kingdom is a gift offered to men and women of every era so that believing in the incarnate Word they ‘will not die but will have eternal life (Jn 3,16). This is why in the last book of the Bible, Revelation Christ announces: ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end’ (Rev 22,13).”

"Christ alpha e omega" is the title of a paragraph of the “Gaudium et spes” pastoral constitution issued by Vatican II, the Pope recalled, quoting Pope Paul VI: “In the light of the centrality of Christ, Gaudium et spes interprets the conditions of humanity today, human calling and dignity, and ambits of human life: family, culture, economy, politics, international community. This is the mission of the Church, yesterday, today and always: announce and bear witness to Christ so that every man and woman may live their vocation to the full.”

The Pope invited those present in the Square pray that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary “we may welcome Christ as the Lord of life and cooperate faithfully for the coming of his Kingdom of love, justice and peace”.
After the Angelus, the Pope sent special greetings to the Catholics of Mexico celebrating the beatification in Guadalajara of 13 martyrs killed for the faith between 1920 and 1930. “On the solemnity of Christ the King, whom they invoked at the moment of giving up their lives, they are permanent examples and encouragement to bear coherent witness to our faith in society today” the Pope said. He also recalled the ‘Day pro orantibus’ 21 November, feast of the Presentation of the Child Mary at the Temple, a special day for religious communities of contemplative life: “On behalf of the whole Church I thank those enclosed religious who dedicate their lives to prayer offering an eloquent witness of the primacy of God and his Kingdom. I encourage you to offer them spiritual and material assistance”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 21/11/2005; righe 33, parole 480)

See the Pope's address


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