Monday, November 14, 2005

Pope meets members of Wiesenthal Centre; asks Christians and Jews to live in harmony

AFP via Yahoo! News

Pope holds audience for Nazi watchdog group
Mon Nov 14, 1:11 PM ET

VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Benedict XVI met members of the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Centre at the Vatican, saying Christians and Jews had an important contribution to make to ensuring a future of harmony and trust.

"Christians and Jews can do much to enable coming generations to live in harmony and respect for the dignity with which every human being has been endowed by the Creator," said the 78-year-old pontiff.

"After a difficult and painful history, relations between our two communities are presently taking a new, more positive, direction. We must continue to advance along the path of mutual respect and dialogue," he said.

The delegation's leader, Rabbi Marvin Hier of Los Angeles, has publicly opposed the Catholic Church's impending canonisation of Pope Pius XII, alleging the wartime pope remained silent about the plight of Europe's Jews in the face of the Holocaust.


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