Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pope: secret of "new evangelization" lies in bishops, priests, religious & laity collaborating

Benedict XVI Tells "Secret" of New Evangelization

Collaboration Among Bishops, Priests, Religious and Laity

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 5, 2005 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI believes that the secret of the "new evangelization" lies in collaboration among bishops, priests, religious and laity.

The Holy Father expressed this view Saturday when receiving the second group of Polish bishops on their five-yearly visit, who were introduced by Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow, the longtime secretary of Pope John Paul II.

Benedict XVI dedicated his lengthy address to describe how the new evangelization should take place, which was the most ambitious objective of John Paul II's pontificate.

To illustrate his proposals, Benedict XVI based himself on one of his predecessor's most personal writings, his book "Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way," in which the Polish Pontiff recounted his experience as bishop of Krakow.

Reflecting on the protagonists of this new evangelization, Benedict XVI began by addressing the mission of bishops.

"By his way of living the bishop shows that 'the model of Christ' is not surpassed; also in the present conditions it continues to be very timely," said the Pope. "It can be said that a diocese reflects its bishop's way of being.


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