Fr. Samir, S.J.: Pope Benedict has realistic view of Islam's challenge to West
Dhimmi WatchMay 04, 2006
How the Pope sees Islam
From the looks of this article by Father Samir Khalil Samir, S.J., Pope Benedict XVI has a realistic understanding of Islam and the challenge it poses to the West today.
"When Civilizations Meet: How Joseph Ratzinger Sees Islam," from Chiesa, with thanks to Tom Syseskey:
Benedict XVI is probably one of the few figures to have profoundly understood the ambiguity in which contemporary Islam is being debated and its struggle to find a place in modern society. At the same time, he is proposing a way for Islam to work toward coexistence globally and with religions, based not on religious dialogue, but on dialogue between cultures and civilizations based on rationality and on a vision of man and human nature which comes before any ideology or religion. This choice to wager on cultural dialogue explains his decision to absorb the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue into the larger Pontifical Council for Culture.
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