Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Laity: Movers in the New Evangelization

Part of the new evangelization that Pope Benedict XVI has spoken of is to more fully engage the laity in bearing witness to Christ and His Church. Jesus asked that all Christians evangelize for Him, bear witness to the truth of the gospel and diligently work to be a "light to the world."

Interview With Ramiro Pellitero

PAMPLONA, Spain, JUNE 9, 2006 (Zenit.org).- The role of the laity as the principal force behind the evangelization and transformation of society has been rediscovered, says Ramiro Pellitero.

The professor of pastoral theology at the University of Navarra, has written "The Laity in the Ecclesiology of Vatican II," published in Spanish by RIALP Editions, in which he brings together the writings of 13 authors on the vocation and mission of the lay faithful, in the light of the Second Vatican Council.

In this interview with ZENIT, the author discusses what the role of the laity in the Church.

Q: Let's begin with questions of language that might be obvious to experts, but not for those unfamiliar with these matters. The word "laity" is used today to designate the partisans of laicism. One speaks of the "lay state," "lay schools," etc. -- a position that is foreign to or even opposed to religion. I suppose that you are not using the word in this sense.


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