Monday, July 17, 2006

Pope asks contemplatives to pray for peace in Middle East, Lebanon, and whole world

Pope Praises Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Prays for Contemplatives; Asks Their Prayers for Conflicts' End

INTROD, Italy, JULY 16, 2006 ( Benedict XVI dedicated today's first public meeting during his vacation in the Italian Alps to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, highlighting Mary on this feast day as model and intercessor.

Over 5,000 faithful gathered in the field in front of the chalet in Introd in the Aosta Valley -- where the Holy Father is spending a holiday in prayer, study and outings -- for the usual Marian meeting with the Pope.

Welcomed by the words of the local bishop -- often interrupted by the applause of those present and also by the Pope's smile and applause -- Benedict XVI shared moments of company and prayer, exchanging reciprocal applause and gestures of greeting and gratitude.

The Holy Father assured every one of his prayers, especially the sick and suffering, blessing and shaking hands with the latter.


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