Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Miracles linked to late Pope found more extensive than thought, occurred while alive, including gift of prophecy

Thanks, Spirit Daily, for the following article:

A new book has presented evidence of what appear to have been dramatic and in some cases stunning healings linked to the late John Paul II -- miracles far more extensive than previously reported and in many instances occurring while the pontiff was still alive.

The book, Miracles of John Paul II, by Pawel Zuchniewicz, a religious bestseller in Poland, now available in the U.S., clearly demonstrates that the Pope was more actively involved in mysticism than commonly portrayed and builds an all but ironclad case for his sainthood.

As Zuchniewicz, a Pole, quotes a fellow Vatican journalist, Michael Valpy, as saying, "There is much more to the story of John Paul II than what was publicized in the media during his pontificate. He's not a politician -- he's a mystic. It's his mysticism, his following John of the Cross, his mystical relationship with St. Stanislaus and his spiritual and national ties to Poland. I couldn't understand his constant prayer, those audiences with God. When I read more about his life, I began to understand more about his person, his inner being."

That inner being turned out to have been more focused on the supernatural than on his physical surroundings.


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