Sunday, February 04, 2007

Families themselves must work to protect life and the family, Pope reminds

Sunday Angelus

Vatican City, Feb 4, 2007 / 11:17 am (CNA).- In his Angelus address today, Pope Benedict XVI reminded the thousands of faithful gathered beneath his window in St. Peter’s Square of the tremendous need to respect and defend life, and emphasized the important roll of the Christian family role in today's society.

The Pope once again called on "all men and women of good will" to be open to the "great and mysterious gift of life." He underlined the fact that life must not be denied to anybody, "even the smallest and most defenseless unborn child, even more so when the child has serious disabilities.

"His Holiness reminded those present that this week is the Diocese of Rome's "Life and Family Week," and asked that all pray and reflect on the family, "the cradle of life and of every vocation."

The Pontiff drew attention to the "profound crises and multiplying challenges that affront [the family] today," and called the faithful to "defend, help, protect and value it." The major part of this duty, he added, falls not upon the clergy, but upon married people and families themselves.

The Pope concluded his address by praying that the entire Christian community "be a place of hope where, despite many difficulties, the great 'yes' to authentic love may be renewed."


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