Friday, March 23, 2007

Pope speaks of NI peace hopes

FRIDAY 23/03/2007 14:33:32

The world needs the Northern Ireland peace process to work to show that Christians can co-exist together, Pope Benedict has said.

The Pontiff made his comments during a 35-minute meeting with Irish President Mary McAleese in the Vatican.

As Monday`s deadline for power-sharing looms, the British and Irish Governments hope the Rev Ian Paisley will lead his Democrat Unionist Party into Belfast`s Stormont Assembly with Sinn Fein.

Mrs McAleese`s spokesman said after this morning`s Vatican talks: "The peace process in Northern Ireland was discussed and the Pope said that the world needed this process to work and emphasised the importance of Christians working together, demonstrating that reconciliation can work."

According to the Irish head of state, the Pope also indicated that the Irish bishops had invited him to visit Ireland and he added: "We must see what is possible."

The President told him: "I, the Irish people and the Government would welcome this visit and support it in every way possible."

Pope Benedict also made reference to the structured, inter-church dialogue that the Irish churches have initiated and said he hoped it would become a model for other countries.


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