Sunday, June 24, 2007

John the Baptist’s birth invites us to true conversion

Sunday Angelus

Benedict XVI gives his angelus address

Vatican City, Jun 24, 2007 / 09:57 am (CNA).- Today on the feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist, the Holy Father greeted pilgrims gathered under the hot June sun in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday recitation of the Angelus. To a packed crowd, the vicar of Christ recalled the example of John the Baptist. His message to those gathered was to engage in true conversion and an ardent witness of the Lord.

The Holy Father noted that all the Gospels begin their narration of Jesus’ public life with his baptism by John in the Jordan. Benedict also commented on his new book: “My book Jesus of Nazareth also begins with the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, an event which resounded widely in those times.”

Benedict noted that John’s life “was wholly oriented towards Christ”. Therefore, “to commemorate his birth means in reality to celebrate Christ.”

Explaining the mission of the saint, the Holy Father said, “He remains as the first “witness” to Jesus, having received an indication from Heaven.”

John knew how to give a courageous witness: “As an authentic prophet, John gave witness to the truth without compromise. He denounced the transgressions of God’s commandments, even when those who did so were powerful. In this way, when he accused Herod and Herodias, he paid with his life, sealing with martyrdom his service to Christ.”


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