Sunday, August 05, 2007

Pope Benedict--"Material riches are no assurance of salvation, but can in fact seriously compromise it"

Sunday Angelus

Castelgandolfo, Aug 5, 2007 / 11:12 am (CNA).- In his Angelus address today, Pope Benedict called on the faithful to heed Christ’s warning not to become attached to the world’s riches. He emphasized his point by giving several examples of faithful people who have put their treasure in heaven.

Addressing a large group of cheering faithful on Sunday in Castel Gandolfo, his summer residence, the Pope stressed that “material riches, although a good, are not an absolute good”. He added: “Above all, they are no assurance of salvation, but can in fact seriously compromise it”.

After departing in recent weeks from the usual custom of addressing themes in Sunday’s Gospel, Pope Benedict XVI returned to the tradition today, and referred to Jesus’ words on the risk of storing treasure on earth. “It is wise and virtuous not to allow one’s heart to become attached to the goods of this world,” he said, “because everything passes, everything can come to end”.

“The real treasure for which we Christians must tirelessly seek,” the Pope continued, “lies in the things from above, there where Christ can be found at the right hand of the Father.” And he reminded the crowd that Saint Paul in his letter to the Colossians speaks of this when he says that “our life is hidden with Christ in God”.

Pope Benedict recalled that today marks the celebration of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, the first basilica dedicated to Our Lady in 432 by Pope Sixtus III, and looked to her as an example of one who seeks true treasure.


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