Monday, October 15, 2007

Benedict XVI Calls Sin a Disfiguring Illness

Comments on Gospel Passage of 10 Lepers

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 15, 2007 ( Benedict XVI says that the illness that truly disfigures the person and society is sin, and that only God can heal this infirmity.

The Pope said that Sunday in St. Peter's Square, addressing thousands who had gathered to pray the midday Angelus.

Commenting on Sunday's Gospel passage about the healing of the 10 lepers, the Holy Father said, "This Gospel passage invites us to a double reflection. Above all, it makes us think of two levels of healing: one that is more superficial, affecting the body; another, more profound, reaching the depths of a person, that which the Bible calls the 'heart,' and from there, irradiating to all of existence."

The Pontiff continued: "Jesus uses the expression, 'Your faith has saved you.' Faith saves the human person, re-establishing him in his profound relationship with God, with himself, and with others. And faith is expressed with appreciation. He who, like the healed Samaritan, knows how to give thanks, shows that he does not consider everything as something which is merited, but instead as a gift that, even if it comes through people or through nature, in the end, comes from God.

"Faith involves, then, the openness of the person to the grace of the Lord; to recognize that all is gift, all is grace. What a treasure is hidden in the little phrase: 'thank you!'"


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