Saturday, April 19, 2008

St. Patrick's Welcomes Pope Benedict XVI

Pontiff To Celebrate Mass At Famous Cathedral, Then Visit Yonkers Seminary

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Reporting Sean Hennessey

NEW YORK (CBS) ― Pope Benedict XVI will begin the second day of his visit to New York by celebrating mass at Saint Patrick's Cathedral at 9 a.m.

"There's nothing more thrilling I guess short of Jesus Christ himself coming down from heaven and being with us," Deacon Eric Kunz said.

Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral, amidst the pictures and prayers, priests were practicing their papal procession Friday.

"We're ready to go, we're ready to go. I mean we're very excited," said Father Michael Sullivan, the master of ceremonies at St. Patrick's.

Then there were some sisters, who drove 14 hours from Indiana to try to get a good look at Pope Benedict.

"It's really exciting," Maria Gemma said. "I can't believe we're actually in the same church where the pope is going to be tomorrow. Unbelievable.'"


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