Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pope: I face old age calmly
2008-08-22 19:35:07

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI said he is living out his old age calmly and with courage, thanks to the help of his elder brother, Vatican Radio reported Friday. Benedict mused aloud about growing old at a ceremony Thursday to make his brother, Georg Ratzinger, an honorary citizen of Castel Gandolfo, the lakeside town near Rome which hosts the papal summer residence.

Benedict is 81, and Georg, who is a priest in Germany, is 84.

"We have reached the last stage of our life, old age," Vatican Radio quoted the pope as saying.

"The days to live are progressively growing fewer. But even in this stage, my brother helps me to accept the weight of every day with serenity, humility and with courage. "

The brothers recently vacationed together in the Italian Alps. Georg Ratzinger is a former choirmaster who is now nearly blind. A piano was set up for the music-loving brothers in the seminary where they stayed in the Alpine town of Bressanone.


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bible predicts the demise of Pope Benedict (the 7th king of Revelation 17) to be this Oct 1st.

The reasoning is Revelation says there will be seven kings after the headwound to the beast (receieved in 1798 by Napolian taking the pope hostage) begins to be healed (1929 the title king was given back to the pope by Muselini)

He will be replaced by Satan appearing as a resurected John Paul II. Then he will mislead the whole world into making laws that are contrary to the comandments of God such as Sunday as the official day of rest when Saturday has always been the 7th day Sabbath.

The vatican is the city of Seven hills and Is the Anti-Christ power that will persecute Gods comandment keeping people just like in the dark ages. If you think I'm kidding wait until you see ow America creates the image to the beast and then eveyone follows the beast! God bless you all for what we are about to go through. Amen.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Dr. Denice Hanley, DPM, M.Div. said...

Your assessment of the Church and the End Times is incorrect.

Please download and listen to the program "The Last Things: In Time and Eternity" about the Church's wonderful teachings on the End Times available from EWTN:

In filial charity and with God's eternal blessings,



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