2.9M Hispanic Voters get Anti-Obama Email from Hispanic Bishop (English Version)
All I can say to this is: Thanks be to God!Contact: Randall Terry, Founder Operation Rescue, 904-687-9804
WASHINGTON, October 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- Randall Terry and William Greene are available to comment on this project and the recent drop in Catholic support for Obama.
Randall Terry says: "Bishop Gracida's radio ad is causing a massive uproar and major defection from Obama in the Catholic Community. This may be the first time in American history that an election is determined by Hispanics and a Catholic Bishop."
The letter was sent in Spanish. The following text and audio clip From Catholic Bishop Rene H. Gracida was sent this morning (Friday, October 31) to 2.9 Million Hispanic Voters via email.
Bishop Gracida's ad is running on radio and TV in swing states. Here is the English Translation of the Spanish text that was sent to 2.9 million Hispanic voters.
Dear Friends:
We only have days left before a critical election to elect a new president. In this moment, like no other moment in history, Hispanic votes will decide the future of the United States. That means that we have a great weight of responsibility.
During this election, there are many Catholics who have told the Catholic people that it is ok to vote for Obama for president.
That is simply not true. Unfortunately, it is a lie.
Please, read the words of a beloved Hispanic bishop, Bishop Rene H. Gracida, who has faithfully served the Hispanic Catholics of Florida and Texas.
"I am Bishop Rene A. Gracida, reminding all Catholics that they need to vote in these elections with an informed conscience.
A Catholic cannot say that he/she voted in this election in good conscience if he/she votes for a candidate in favor of abortion.
Barak Hussein Obama is a candidate in favor of abortion."
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