Christians have a responsibility to uphold the Kingdom of God, teaches the Holy Father
Vatican City, Nov 16, 2008 / 09:24 am (CNA).- Presiding over the recitation of the Sunday Angelus, Pope Benedict XVI recalled the Sunday readings which invite the faithful to be vigilant and dutiful while waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus at the end of time. The Pontiff also pointed out that the Gospel teaches us our responsibility to God and humanity.In the Gospel, St. Matthew narrates the well-known parable of the talents. The "talent" was an ancient Roman coin of great value. The Holy Father explained to his audience today that the main character of the parable, "a man who was going on a journey," represents Christ himself and the servants are his disciples. The talents represent the gifts that God entrusts them: his Word, deposited in the Holy Gospels; Baptism, which renews Christians in the Holy Spirit; prayer, the "Our Father," which we elevate to God as sons and daughters united in the Son; and forgiveness, the sacrament of his immolated Body and his spilt blood. "These are the treasures that Jesus entrusted to his friends, at the end of his brief time of earth," the Pope explained.
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