Tuesday, November 04, 2008

‘Jane Roe’ releases video encouraging Americans to vote for life

CNA STAFF, Nov 4, 2008 / 11:26 am (CNA).- Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff in the Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion 35 years ago, has released a video encouraging Americans to cast their ballot for a candidate who will appoint pro-life Supreme Court justices.

In the video, produced by Just ONE Judge, McCorvey emphasizes the importance of today’s election as the next president’s Supreme Court nominations will likely have far-reaching effects on life issues. “This is the first time I’ve felt really had a voice in what was going on in terms of really reversing the decision of the Supreme Court,” said McCorvey. “I’m proud to be pro-life now rather than pro-abortion.”

According to a press release from Just ONE Judge, McCorvey began speaking out against abortion nearly ten years ago after a conversion to Christianity.

Just ONE Judge, a non-partisan, non-denominational group, is working to educate voters and is asking them to support candidates who support the nomination of Supreme Court Justices who are pro-life. In McCorvey’s video, the group emphasizes the importance of each individual’s vote for life and encourages voters to sign an online petition which will be presented to the new U.S. president and Senate to demonstrate that citizens are passionate about life issues.


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