Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catholic Culture Insights: 05/26/2009 - L'Osservatore è Cieco

From Jeff Mirus, President, Trinity Communications, today's Catholic Culture Insights:

05/26/2009 - L'Osservatore è Cieco

It's a small point, perhaps, but what's up with the Vatican newspaper? The editor of L'Osservatore Romano seems to be in love with Barrack Obama. The result is predictable: "L'Osservatore è cieco"--the observer is blind.

Consider these recent Catholic World News briefs which chronicle the newspaper's slide from reality with respect to American affairs:

January 20: Vatican radio, newspaper offer [positive] assessments of Obama inauguration

January 28: Vatican newspaper pays tribute to Obama’s inaugural address

April 30: Vatican newspaper: Obama’s stem-cell research guidelines ‘not so very permissive’

April 30: Vatican newspaper editor: Obama not pro-abortion

The last piece is particularly egregious. See Phil Lawler's blog entry: Speaking from Ignorance at L'Osservatore Romano. I don't think Phil would disagree with my assessment that the ignorance is willful.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Bishops have positioned themselves in sharp opposition to President Obama on the life issues. After months of praising (and, in effect, lying) about the American President, L'Osservatore has finally acknowledged the problem: Vatican newspaper (finally) reports US bishops' criticism of Obama.


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