Sunday, May 17, 2009

Christians in San Diego hold ‘Choose Life!’ rally as Obama speaks at Notre Dame

San Diego, Calif., May 17, 2009 / 02:40 pm (CNA).- As President Obama is honored at the University of Notre Dame, hundreds of San Diego Christians are holding a pro-life rally today in defense of the unborn.

The rally, titled "Choose Life!" will be held this afternoon at the San Diego County Administrative Building.

In a press release, Dr. Jim Garlow, Pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego said of the event: "Never before have area mega pastors united as one with such magnitude to defend life, representing tens of thousands of San Diego Christians, creating a powerful revival and new face to the pro-life movement."

The speakers scheduled for the rally are: Pastor Jim Garlow, Pastor David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community Church and Host of The Turning Point, Pastor Miles McPherson of the Rock Church, Pastor Mike MacIntosh of Horizon Christian Fellowship, Pastor Shawn Mitchell of New Venture Christian Fellowship, and Pastor Chris Clark of East Clairemont Southern Baptist Church..

UCLA student Lila Rose whose undercover filming and expose' of Planned Parenthood has brought national attention to the abortion industry will also be speaking.


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