Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pope: in our search for love, the proof that man is the image of the Trinity

» 06/07/2009 13:30

In his Angelus Benedict XVI reiterates that “God is love and love alone, pure, infinite and eternal”, an inexhaustible source of life. We instinctively know this by looking at the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and by observing cells, atoms and elementary particles. “The ‘name’ of the Sacred Trinity is impressed on everything that exists, because everything comes from love, reaches out for love and is moved by the spirit of love”.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - “The greatest proof that we are all made in the image of the Trinity is this: only love makes us happy, because we live to love and to be loved. Borrowing an analogy from biology, we could say that the human “genome” is profoundly imprinted with the Trinity of God-who-is-Love”. On the day when the universal Church celebrates the feats of the Holy Trinity, Benedict XVI returned to dwell on one of the themes dearest to him, that of God-who-is-Love, to which he dedicated his encyclicals Deus Caritas est. To the 20 thousand people gathered in St Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer, on an overcast day, the Pope said “everything that exists, because everything comes from love, reaches out for love and is moved by the spirit of love” and that God “is love and love alone, pure, infinite and eternal”.

Benedict XVI began by recalling that “after the period of Easter-time, that culminate din the feast of Pentecost, the liturgy is marked by these three solemnities of Our Lord: today the feast of the Holy Trinity; next Thursday, that of Corpus Domini” and finally the following Friday the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Each of these liturgical events – he added – highlights a perspective by which the entire mystery of Christian Faith is embraced: those being respectively, the reality of the One and Triune God, the sacrament of the Eucharist and the divine-human centre of the Person of Christ. In reality they are all aspects of the one mystery of salvation, from the incarnation to the resurrection and the ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

See also from CNA, "‘We live to love and be loved,’ teaches Pope while reflecting on Trinity."

And from YouTube-Vatican's Channel:

Pope Benedict XVI: "Only love makes us happy"
June 07, 2009


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