Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Previews of Pope Benedict's social encyclical

Catholic Culture-News Briefs
June 30, 2009

During a Sunday Vespers service closing the Pauline Year, Pope Benedict XVI made a few observations about his forthcoming encyclical Caritatis in Veritate. John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter analyzes the Pope's words for clues about the content of the document, and concludes that one major theme of the encyclical will be that "building a better world requires forming better people."

Michael Novak, writing for First Things, begins his own analysis with a candid statement: "What exactly is in Benedict XVI’s new encyclical on the economy and labor issues is not yet known." He goes on to argue that critics of world capitalism have generally misunderstood the system, and particularly the motivations that drive economic creativity.

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

In preview of new encyclical, Benedict reprises 'dictatorship of relativism' speech (National Catholic Reporter)

Economic Heresies of the Left (First Things)

See also, "Pope's social encyclical signed: publication still a week away?"


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