True Democrats Defend Children against the Abortion Mandate
By Deacon Keith Fournier7/23/2009
Catholic Online (
More courageous Pro-Life Democrats joined the others who just last week stood up against what is being properly called the 'Stealth FOCA.'
No-One who recognizes the objective truth that every human person has dignity and possesses an inalienable, fundamental Natural Law Right to Life should support this legislation in its current form.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Catholic Online) – Many in the media focus on the fiscal concerns raised by the so called “Blue Dog” Democrats. Still others, the possible dangers the legislation poses to those who wish to keep their existing health care. However, the real story is not being covered in the media. It is the Abortion Mandate which is clearly in the “Health Care” Reform proposals.
Wednesday, more courageous Pro-Life Democrats joined the others who just last week stood up against what is being properly called the “Stealth FOCA” (Freedom of Choice Act) effects of the several Health Care Proposals. It is hidden in this legislation and is not being honestly admitted to by its supporters, including the President. This Legislation will mandate abortion coverage which will be paid for by taxpayers if it is passed.
Further, it will offer absolutely no conscience protection for Doctors who still believe in their Hippocratic Oath and refuse to participate in abortion or euthanasia. I wrote about this in a recent article. Many readers sent me the actual legislation and confirmed my concerns. Those similar effects at the other end of life can be found in the House Bill at Pages 425 – 430. The Proposals will implement euthanasia by stealth.
See also Deacon Fournier's article, "Is Euthanasia Included in National ‘Health Care’ Reform?"
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