Friday, October 23, 2009

Meeting of hundreds of Anglican clergy to consider Pope Benedict’s new provision

Bishop John Broadhurst

London, England, Oct 23, 2009 / 12:22 am (CNA).- Hundreds of traditionalist Anglican clergy will meet this weekend in London to discuss whether to enter the Catholic Church in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s creation of an Anglican “ordinariate.”

About 500 members of members of the group Forward in Faith will attend the meeting, the Times Online reports. Many of them are waiting for the Vatican’s publication of a Code of Practice, which will provide more detail about the proposed new church structure organized under an Apostolic Constitution.

The chairman of Forward in Faith, Bishop of Fulham, England John Broadhurst, issued a statement on Tuesday responding to the Vatican announcement that a structure will be created to assist Anglicans who want to enter into communion with Rome.

Bishop Broadhurst said that Anglican Catholics have had “frequently expressed hope and fervent desire” to be enabled to enter into full communion with Rome while retaining “every aspect of their Anglican inheritance which is not at variance with the teaching of the Catholic Church.”

“We rejoice that the Holy Father intends now to set up structures within the Church which respond to this heartfelt longing. Forward in Faith has always been committed to seeking unity in truth and so warmly welcomes these initiatives as a decisive moment in the history of the Catholic Movement in the Church of England.”

He closed his message with the Latin phrase “Ut unum sint,” Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John meaning “may they be one.” The phrase is also the title of Pope John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical on ecumenism.


At 12:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Please review the latent response of religion and philosophy to the global economic arena at The "Bewildered New World" is seeking answers and what a great way to do it as one community in the Lord.
Let this be part of your considerations - Thomas Merton said,
Do not depend on the hope of results.
When you are doing the sort of work you have taken on, you may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and even achieve no worth at all, if not perhaps, results opposite to what you expect.
As you get used to this idea, you will start more and more to concentrate not on the results but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself.

---- You gradually struggle less and less for an idea and more and more for specific people. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationship that saves everything.

( Ray Tapajna Chronicles also reviews Pope Benedict's economic encyclical at The review is based on years of experience in the business, corporate and factory world and attempts to adapt Christian action to it. )


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