Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jewish writer blasts media treatment of Benedict XVI, Pius XII

Catholic World News
January 21, 2010

The Vatican newspaper has reprinted a January 20 Corriere della Sera article blasting media caricatures of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Pius XII in their dealings with Jews. The article was written by the French Jewish intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy, who discussed how the words and deeds of the two popes belied the media caricatures.

Mr. Lévy also drew attention to the little-known fact that Rolf Hochhuth, whose 1963 play The Deputy created the ‘black legend’ surrounding Pope Pius XII, defended Holocaust denier David Irving in a 2005 interview with a German publication Junge Freiheit.

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

Bernard-Henri Lévy: Quando i capri espiatori si chiamano Pio e Benedetto: Malafede e disinformazione (L’Osservatore Romano)

"Die Würde des Ortes respektieren" (2005) (Junge Freiheit)

Bernard-Henri Lévy (Wikipedia)

Rolf Hochhuth (Wikipedia)

See also from the Catholic League, "Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust."

And some documents from EWTN's document library:


"Jewish Recognition of Pope Pius XII's Support"

"Pius XII and the Jews - Fact Sheet"

"Saviour of the Jews"

"THE MYTH IN THE LIGHT OF THE ARCHIVES: The recurring accusations against Pope Pius XII"

"THE GOOD SAMARITAN: Jewish Praise for Pope Pius XII"

"A 'Righteous Gentile' Defends Pius XII"


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