Friday, January 29, 2010

'Why He is a Saint': Postulator's Book Reveals Details of Venerable John Paul II

Zenit News Agency (

'Why He Is a Saint: The True John Paul II Explained by the Postulator of the Cause of Beatification' includes 114 testimonies of the life and holiness of the beloved Pope.

Pope John Paul II was the same in public and in private: 'transparent, sincere, integral,' according to the postulator of his canonization cause.

ROME ( - Pope John Paul II was the same in public and in private: "transparent, sincere, integral," according to the postulator of his canonization cause.

Monsignor Slawomir Oder made this reflection Tuesday when he presented a volume that he has written in collaboration with Saverio Gaeta. It presents more than 100 testimonies related to the Polish Pontiff's cause for canonization.

"Why He Is a Saint: The True John Paul II Explained by the Postulator of the Cause of Beatification" was presented in Rome with a presentation from the leader of the Vatican's saint congregation, Cardinal José Saraiva Martins.

The details in the book that grabbed international attention are regarding the Holy Father's practices of mortification, including flagellation and sleeping on the floor.

Cardinal Saraiva Martins, however, highlighted the depth of the Pontiff's prayer. He confessed how overwhelmed he was by the profundity of the Pope's recollection when he invited someone to dine and the visit began with a silent prayer in the private chapel.

"He was as though absorbed in God," the cardinal said. "He was a man of God and his intense prayer was a true evangelization."

The prelate also pointed out the Pope's profound devotion to Mary and mentioned the "joy," the "happiness" that John Paul II felt in the year 2000, after the beatification of the shepherds of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, on May 13.

A witness stated that when asked, "Do you see the Virgin?" the Pope answered, "No, but I hear her." Another witness, though, said John Paul II confided that he "saw" her.

The book notes that the Holy Father had a sweet tooth and has other insights into the Pope's personality: He once answered a religious who expressed her "concern" for "Your Holiness": "I am also concerned about my holiness!"

Monsignor Oder highlighted the Pope's "humanity" and his ability to perceive in all persons "the imprint of God."

And Cardinal Saraiva Martins noted that humanity and holiness are one thing: The more holy one is, the more "human" one is.

A cure

Though John Paul II has already been proclaimed venerable -- Benedict XVI approved the recognition of his heroic virtues in December -- a miracle still needs to be confirmed before his beatification.

See also:

"Pope John Paul on Path to Canonization"

Vatican Expert’s Book Supports Beatification"

Santo Subito! John Paul II Will Be Beatified"


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